The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Phyron.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 80. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a private journal on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Phyron' scribed in rich yellow ink.

Author:  Phyron
Date    Fri May 21 15:42:20 2004

Subject  remembrances by a fire

"You recall nothing of your life?"

"I...remember the children.  I used to amuse them with simple parlor tricks.
 I think that is what led me on to magic."

"So you are magi?"

The weary traveler Phyron stares into the flames as images fire in rapid
succession... and he wonders... are these true memories, or simply
delusions of a mad man?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The fire crackled and spit, causing the children nearest to shuffle
back from the open flames.  It was the fourth night I was performing here -
news of my small skills had reached the outlying farms.  Eager for a break
from the hard labor and a chance at cheap entertainment, many people
crowded the inn for my last show.  The trade caravan had finally repaired and
loaded its supply wagon and would leave on the morrow.  I would leave with it,
headed for a new start and home.

The inn was packed as full as it could be, with some people crowding round the
door and windows.  I decided it was time to begin.

I used a small bag of flash powder to mask my entry to the room.

Once the blue smoke had cleared, I started my narrative.  I told great
stories of beauteous elven maidens, horrible fire breathing
dragons, brave knights clad in shining armor, and even a few
roguish thieves who won the heart of the damsel and lived happily ever
after.  Stories of things that never really happen, or ever will.  I used my
small skill at illusion to enhance the story, creating images in the fire
and sounds that echoed through the small inn.

So immersed were we all in the tales that we didnt recognize the cries of
horror and pain from outside the inn for what they were...

then he entered, with blood dripping from his large, rusted battle-axe.

A gruesome smile splayed across his face, bright red blood spattered
his shirt.  No words came from his mouth as he started the slaughter.

I could do nothing.  I was transfixed by the horrible scene that was
unraveling before my very eyes...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Sir?  You are magi, then?"

"What?  I am not.  I have... I have sought one who would teach

"The Conclave of Mages would have many such to help you."

"Then I shall seek out a representative of the Conclave...perhaps...

they may even help me to remember..."

Author:  Phyron
Date    Fri May 21 22:54:00 2004

Subject  beginning

Memories.  Ethereal things that have no tangible qualities.  So easy to
lose, so hard to recover.  They cant be stolen.  Kender cannot borrow them. 
And yet, I have few.  I cannot past has fled from me.

My recollections begin at night, several months ago...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Shambling down the road, I became aware of my surroundings.  The path I trod
was uneven, overgrown.  My skin was alight with intense pain, as if many
thousands of burning daggers were slicing into my nerves.

Every article of clothing still on my body was charred, tattered...

barely hanging on me.  My mind was numb...I didnt know where I was or where I
was headed.  Nor did I fully know who I was.  Random thoughts and images
flittered about inside my head.  A name formed out of the gloom and mists
within me...Phyron.  It began to rain, easing the pain in my skin.

   Lightning struck brightly illuminating my course and momentarily
blinding me.  At almost the same instant, a call shattered the silence,

"Hey!  You there!  What are ye about at this hour?"

I couldnt reply...I didnt know...

Several men appeared at my side.   They began asking questions of me, the
questions I could not answer.  My silence condemned me...the one I took for
leader placed shackles around my wrists and began pulling me back the way I
had come.  After a few hours travel, we neared the remains of a building.

The sign in the dirt near the entrance proclaimed it to be an inn.  They
brought me to the doorway and led me inside...

The scene laid before me was out of my deepest nightmares.  Blackened and
charred corpses lay strewn everywhere, bodies large and small, men, women,
children.  Limbs...severed.  I screamed in agony at the sight, desperately
clawingat my eyes to remove it from my vision...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

People I have met tell me to seek a member of the Conclave.  I shall do
so. Perhaps they can help me to regain my memory in its entirety.  Perhaps
learning and study as its center.  Magic will sustain me, strengthen me, make
me whole once more.

Author:  Phyron
Date    Wed Jul 21 15:10:11 2004

Subject  a report found on High Archmage Ralmus' desk

As I'm sure you know, it has been just over a month since you set me my task. 
And I assure you, I have not been idle in that time.  When I was called for by
the young apprentice and ushered into your office, I was in awe.  When the
task of retrieving the rumored fragment of Solinari, or that being
impossible, reporting its location was given to me, I was honored.

<continues for half a page with pointless ramblings>

But I digress.  I took a few hours to replenish my supply of spell components,
potions, and other necessities before setting out.  However, I realized the
importance of this task and so delayed no longer than necessary.  I made
inquiries as to the best and quickest route to the Northern Khalkists, where
the piece of moon was reported to land.  Having been told of a man who lives
in that region who spends his days hiking, I scryed him, and, being sure of
his location, gated to him.  Apparently, this is a common occurence, because
he didn't seem very surprised.  Once I regained my equilibrium from the jump,
I set off to the north.  I was not prepared for what I saw.

When I reached the remains of the village, I couldn't help but gasp. 
Complete desruction had come to this place.  Not a sound came from it. 
Not a building stood, not a person lived.  Directly south of the town square
lay the shard, buried in an impact crater nearly 100 yards across.
 It appeared to be about the size of a large ogre -- much too large for me to
transport it as it was.

Thinking, I sat on the edge of the crator, beginning preparations for my
spells.  As I neared completion, I heard hoofbeats drawing near.  It didn't
take a genius to figure that someone was coming.

Quickly uttering the words to a simple spell, I faded into the darkness and
crouched behind the well.

Coming up the path was nearly a full company of Knights of
Takhisis....presumably Thorns, for a mage rode at the front.  I knew that
I was greatly outmatched in a fair fight, so I whispered the words to a spell
of transportation, taking myself to a location near the camp of a band of
mercenaries.  It was my misfortune that this area was currently inhabited by
cows.  I doubt I'll ever get the 'mud' off my boots.  Thinking that, even
as I traipsed through a field redolent with the ripe smell of bovine dung, the
Knights were working to move the fragment of Solinari, I broke into a

At times, my elven heritage comes in handy, for I made not a sound, bypassing
the sentries and arriving at the tent of their leader as if by magic.  The
guards were so surprised by my arrival that they let me pass with little more
than a cursory inspection.

I asked the Captain if his men were up for a bit of work...a glint developed
in his eye when I told him I needed them that day.

Greedy bastard.  He understood that he had the upper hand, due to my immediate
need, and drove a hard bargain.  (attached, please find a bill for 400

I was not disappointed, though, for as soon as our deal was made, he was in
action, calling his men to arms and organizing them quickly.  I merely laughed
when he asked to where we would march - - pulling a portal stone from a hidden
pouch, I raised my arm and shouted the words to a portal spell, beckoning them
forward as the shimmering portal rose.  Hoping their training would prevent
them from making noise, I wove a spell of invisibility over the entire group
as they passed through the portal, before stepping through myself.  We had
arrived on the lower end of the trail leading to the village.

Taking time now to caution them for silence (as well as tell them all was
well...they were worried that they couldn't see themselves), as we could hear
the Thorn Knight's digging, we began a careful ascent.  My nad of hired
hands surrounded the pit, and I took my position a few paces behind the
Captain.  As I pulled bat guano and sulphur from a pouch, he asked when to

Author:  Phyron
Date    Wed Jul 21 15:11:30 2004

Subject  (continued)

Snickering quietly, I replied, "You'll know when..."

I grinned as I rolled the guano around the sulphur, thinking of the
bright, burning flames...then hurled the ball at the enemy mage,
speaking a single word.  Even from that distance, I could see his eyes grow
large as he hurredly tried to throw up a shield spell...

which did him no good.  The concussion of the fireball threw many Knights
to the ground, and stunned most others.  The battle was over before it truly
began...the Knights, seeing the blackened remains of their mage, and the
mercenaries surrounding them, lay down their weapons and surrendered without a

Seeing that the prisoners were well in hand, I made my way to the shard, and
began casting my spell.  As I spoke, the fragment began shrinking, dust
swirling about it.  I stopped when it was the size of a small opal, then
picked it up and slipped it into a hidden pocket.  Pointing the mercenaries in
the direction of their camp, I paid them and told them to do with the
prisoners what they would...

mentioning, in passing, that the slave blocks in Sanction had been empty
for some time.

I decided that the return trip could be taken at a more leisurely pace, so I
mounted a horse and began to ride towards the Plains of Estwilde, avoiding all
Kender I saw on the road.  The trek was relatively uneventful.

Author:  Phyron
Date    Mon Sep 27 15:37:40 2004

Subject  my time

Time has slowed, but life has continued.  My original goal in searching for
the Conclave, that of finding my past, has faded into the background.  True, I
have learned much.  My power has grown...expanded beyond what I had thought

When I first arrived, the most advanced 'magic' I could perform with any
regularity was to make a pipe vanish up my nose and the food disappear from my

Time has passed, and my studies continue.  I have had many teachers, and they
have taught many varied lessons.  Some of them seemed ridiculously simple in
their complexity, and yet held deeper meaning.  Others were near impossible to
understand, taking weeks or months to complete...but were created simply to
reinforce patience and calm.

Time has vanished, and ceases to have meaning.  But I still wish to
know...what happened to me that night?  Was it merely fated to happen to turn
me to seek the Conclave?  Why then? Why could I not continue as I had?  With
my life, my mind, my memories intact?  It matters little to me that I now have
power...  I would rather know who I was and what I am.

Time will continue, as will I.  I shall ask the High Archmage for leave from
my studies.  I shall track down my past and my memories.  I shall find my
time.  Time cannot stop...nor can I.

Author:  Phyron
Date    Mon Sep 27 19:13:02 2004

Subject  tired ramblings...

Time flows, like water over the rocks.  Wearing us down, smoothing us,
polishing us.  Refining us.  ...until too much time has passed, and we wear
down too thin, too brittle.

Time comes in a torrent, washing over us...battering...


Blankness.  Blackness.  Nothingness.  No time, and there is nothing.  No time,
and there is everything.  Time is all that prevents everything from happening
at once.  Time is static, nothing is certain.  In the future.  Time is
concret, nothing may change.  In the past.  The future nears and then becomes
the past, the future cannot be changed.  Why do we try?

Fate.  It takes away our guilt.  If we cannot change it, it is not our fault. 
If it is not our fault, why worry?

Nothing will change.  Nothing will remain the same.  The past blends with the
future to become the present...

No.  Accept the blame.  Make mistakes.  Embrace it... is our fate.

Author:  Phyron
Date    Sun Oct 17 17:59:13 2004

Subject  a four foot tall tale (I)

I had never seen a naked Kender before.  And I must admit...seeing one for the
first time came as quite a shock.  Especially due to the fact that it was
broad daylight.  In the middle of Palanthas.  I regret becoming curious as to
the 'why?' and 'how?' of this particular case of Kenderness.  After overcoming
my initial amazement, I started in pursuit.  While running after the stark
nekkid Kender, I saw guards also chasing him...

I began thinking of the Knight Galadir, whom I had left in a rather odd
predicament recently...and of the damage done to various places when my spells
have gone awry...and the several books in my posession that were from the
great Palanthian Library...and I realized that I did -not- want to encounter
guards.  Concentrating as I ran, I uttered words to a simple spell of

Feeling a brief tingling sensation in my legs, and seeing a bright aura
surrounding my hands, I let out a sigh.  I felt myself begin to rise into the
air, my feet left the ground.  I had no way to propel myself...I couldn't do

'Interesting...I guess I know how to fly.  ...or float, at the least.

Now, to get back down.  *begins yelling*  Anyone?!  Could you maybe assist
a person in need? *to himself*  No one has any kindness anymore.  Leaving
a poor half-elf floating in the air.  Well, at least no one is mocking me.'

At this point, I had risen about level to the top of a nearby door.

I realized that I would quickly have to do something...or the return trip to
ground level could be rather abrupt and painful.  Not trusting myself to
perform even a simple spell while floating six feet above ground, I reached
out and grabbed the top of a vendor's stall... only to have the entire booth
begin rising with me, albeit at a slower pace.

Believe it or not, I was extremely happy to see the Kender returning this way.
 I began to wave my legs and shout in an attempt to attract his attention.  I
should have realized that a White Robe mage floating in the middle of the
street would be enough to attract the attention of -any- Kender.  He skidded
to a halt and began to stare at me in awe.  ''Did you know that you're
floating?  How'd you do that?  You weren't cursed by someone, were you?  I
knew a gnome who could float, but he had to use a lot of gears, pulleys, and
other doodads and hoo bickeys and thingummies to do it.  Say, you wouldn't be
able to make me float like that, would you?!  That'd be neat.  I've always
thought about what it could be like to be taller...and to fly...and float...

and all kinds of neat stuff like that.'

At this point, the Kender seemed to run out of breath...which I took as a good
omen.  I quickly made my plea before he could start again.

'This may sound odd, but would you grab my belt and pull me underneath the
nearest arch?  I'll show you what's in my pouches!' Instantly, the Kender
latched onto my leg (he couldn't reach my belt) and began pulling.

We finally reached the arch, and by wedging myself firmly underneath it, I was
able to stop my ascent.  Of course, there remained the small technicality of a
nude Kender standing below, staring up in awe.  Not to mention the guards
still presumably chasing him.  He drew breath to speak, so I hurriedly
interjected my questions before he could begin.  'Please remove your hand
from that's important.

And could you hide yourself?  The guards are coming back.'

Author:  Phyron
Date    Sun Oct 17 18:01:32 2004

Subject  a four foot tall tale (II)

Thankfully the Kender was able to slip under a nearby jeweler's booth just as
the guards arrived.  They were mildly surprised to see me at the top of the
arch, but these two had see my spells in work before.  They waved, and
continued on their way, searching for the Kender who was now happily palming a
beautiful necklace...and just as happily setting it back down as he remembered
his current pouchless condition.

Now that my problem was, at least temporarily, solved, and his had just run to
a different street...I felt I had to ask.  'Why, if I might presume to
inquire...why...hmm...there's no easy way to say this.  You're naked.  In
Palanthas.  That's odd.'  The Kender looked at me and began giggling.

'That's a really funny story, to be sure.  I was wandering around by the
waterfront, chasing some dogs and cats, and a few teenagers asked if I wanted
to try some dwarven spirits.  Of course, I've always wanted to, but not many
bars serve drinks to Kender, even though we always get in and pay our tabs,
but things can just be so unfair.  I used to go to a neat tavern in
Kendermore, while I still lived there, but the owner kept misplacing his
glasses, and he finally closed down.  But back to the story, I was drinking
with the teenagers, and they started talking about Efawna.  I'm sure you've
seen her, haven't you?  She's pretty, for a human.

We all started daring each other to ask her out for a drink...

none of the others were brave enough to do it.  And I've wondered what it
would be like to be an item with a human.  So I said I would do it!  They gave
me a few more drinks to help me get ready.

I thought that it would impress her if I showed her what was in my pouches, so
I took them off and started going through them.  Since they're all attached to
my shirt and pants, I took those off, too.

It seemed smart at the was really cold near the water, though, so I
headed south as soon as possible.  *giggle*  I picked up all my pouches, but
forgot to put them back on.  When I walked into the Bank of Palanthas, three
noble ladies screamed!  *beam* I've never made three ladies scream at once,
before.  It was really neat.  The guards didn't scream, though.  I think they
wanted to play a game of tag, because they started chasing me.  Only a few
minutes after that, you caught my attention.  What were you doing floating in
the middle of the street, anyway?  Where you trying to see what's on top of
these buildings?  I've wonder...'

My mis-spell chose that moment to wear out...causing me to land rather
suddenly.  Thankfully, the Kender was there to break my fall.  Hopefully, I'll
remember this incident and stem my curiousity in the future...

Author:  Phyron
Date    Mon Nov  1 21:00:27 2004

Subject  memories return

Smoke billows from the brazier, filling the room.  Sounds drift in through the
door.  A mild scent of lavender and chamomile combined with mint provides a
relaxing sense.  Piles of categorized scrolls and stacks of books are strewn
about the desk, displaying that the mage meditating on a mat is very
organized...but has quite a cluttered and chaotic mind.  He sits near the fire
with eyes closed and breathing shallow.  Lying directly in front of Phyron is
an open book -- at first, the pages are blank.  But slowly, words and images
begin to fill the margins.  This volume has been magicked to record the
thoughts and memories of its user.  A pale light flickers around the mage, and
his eyelids flutter as he reacts to the scenes playing out in his mind's


The fire crackled and spit, causing the children nearest to shuffle
back from the open flames.  It was the fourth night I was performing here -
news of my small skills had reached the outlying farms.  Eager for a break
from the hard labor and a chance at cheap entertainment, many people crowded
the inn for my last show.  The trade caravan had finally repaired and loaded
its supply wagon and would leave on the morrow.  I would leave with it, headed
for a new start and home.

The inn was packed as full as it could be, with some people crowding round the
door and windows.  I decided that it was time to begin.

I used a small bag of flash powder to mask my entry to the room.  Once the
blue smoke had cleared, I started my narrative.  I told great stories of
beauteous elven maidens, horrible fire breathing dragons, brave knighs clad in
shining armor, and even a few roguish thieves who won the heart of the damsel
and lived happily ever after.  Stories of things that never really happen, or
ever will.  I used my small skill at illusion to enhance the story, creating
images in the fire and sounds that echoed through the small inn.

So immersed were we all in the tales that we didn't recognize the cries of
horror and pain from outside the inn for what they were... then he entered,
with blood dripping from his large, rusted battle-axe.  A gruesome smile
splayed across his face, bright red blood spattered his shirt.  No words came
from his mouth as he started the slaughter... I could do nothing.  I was
transfixed by the horrible scene that was unraveling before my very eyes...

Hearing the screams of the peasants surrounding me, an image appeared within
my mind.  I raise my arms and a fiery aura surrounded me, spreading outwards,
burning, incinerating, destroying everything it touched.  I reached within a
pouch to pull out a small ball of pitch, and threw it directly at the bandit
leader, screaming words of power.  The ball
expanded...igniting...growing...slamming into the chest of the bandit leader,
leaving a gaping hole.  The screams of terror and death turn into shouts of
pain and agony as people are burned alive...

The power fills me, overwhelms me.  It takes over my senses, leaving me blind
to my surroundings...


A brief shudder wracks the frame of the mage just as his eyes fly
open... a silent scream issues from his mouth.  Moments pass before he becomes
aware of his surroundings.  Tears flow down his face as he adds wood to the
fire and begins boiling water for tea...

Several hours go by as Phyron stares into the fire.  The pot has long since
boiled dry, and the flames reduced to mere embers.  Emotions play out over his
face for a moment before his thoughts are resolved, his mind made up.  Rising
to his feet, he retrieves his book of thoughts and exits the room, in search
of someone to speak to.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 869 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'