The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Sanathos.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a heavy platinum-covered book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Sanathos' scribed in burnt orange ink.

Author:  Sanathos
Date    Wed Apr 21 23:51:11 2004

Subject  Luindai the 7th of Reorxmont

*Journal entry* Today I recieved a letter from family Rengath. I opened it
eager to hear from childhood neighbors that my family was traveling with to
the outskirts of the Qualinesti Kingdom.

The letter was from Jasem's mother; odd I thought considering I grew up with
Jasem and had only cordial contact with his mother.

As my eyes drifted across the fine script of the heart sank. She
told me of how they had traveled south through Solanthus and Thelgaard on
their way to Caergoth.

My mother ; who was one quarter abyss-damned elven (her mother was
half-elven), said she had wanted to skirt the qualinesti Kingdom, just to see
her acursed great-grandfathers homeland.

My father thought it a bad idea to be so close to the kingdom..but my mother
said they would be fine Jarems' mother wrote of how they had traveled far one
night...unfortunately too far.

She wrote of arrows raining down from all sides; Jarem was struck through the
neck and died upon his horse. My father,brother and the other 3 Rengath men
were slain!

Slain! Like animals in a hunt! Those accursed slant-eyed creatures! And for
what? Travelling to far on their precious land. Jarems' mother fled the scene.

She had no clue what has happened of my mother, but I am sure a fate not
unlike the others has befallen her.

I will have my revenge. My power will grow be it by light of Solinari, or the
Dark Queen Herself...I will have my time.

Author:  Sanathos
Date    Mon Apr 26 14:33:06 2004

Subject  Day of Luindai, 7th the Month of H'rarmont.

*Journal entry* Can it get worse? What am I to do? I have come to my
crossroads. My family has been taken from me. Today I met a... that has offered me something I have long saught by more
conventional means.

I long to have my revenge on those blasted tree loving elves, now the power
has been presented to me. I dont know what she was, clad in black, she approached me as I read
the letter I recieved of my families death. She sat and spoke to me of the
power I could have  by giving my life to her cause!

Her cause? I asked what cause would advance my own. She proceeded to tell me
of how the Dark Queen had given her a vision and along woth that vision

It was at this point that my life has been changed forever. As she was
finishing her story , the door to the inn burst open. Through it came two men
one a human in red robes.. and the elf, but none as I had ever

He was an elf in stature yes...but he was pale, and had a chilling air about
him. No elf i have ever seen sent a chill through me as that one did! The one
in black (her name being Maire...not a common name to be sure) grabbed me and
spoke in the language of magic. A portal opened before us both and she shoved
me towards it. I barreled towards the shimmering gate when the pale elf spke a
word and it was gone! I have seen magic in the school where I have trained
since I was young, but none as powerfull as these two had! After seening this
spectacle, I burst from the tavern at full speed. How could I not? I have the
gift of magic, but these few had true power!

The events that transpired in that in I will never know. As I ran I felt a
presence above me. Turning to look I saw the human in red robes flying behind

He said he wanted to talk and seeing that I could not out run him I was at a

He sat and spoke to me of the Conclave. Told of how i could gain true power
through them...through time. I have heard this before in my
schooling...through my mothers teachings about the so-called great Solinari.
Where was this god when she laid dying at the hands of the elves?

Now I must choose. One way or another my life will be changed... but I am sure
of one thing...power will be curse the elves..and Solinari will not
be the way.

Author:  Sanathos
Date    Mon Apr 26 14:50:20 2004

Subject  Day of Luindai, 7th the Month of H'rarmont.

*journal entry* Can it get worse? What am I to do? I have come to my
crossroads. My family has been taken from me. Today I met a... that has offered me something I have long saught by more
conventional means.

I long to have my revenge on those blasted tree loving elves, now the power
has been presented to me. I dont know what she was, clad in black, she approached me as I read
the letter I recieved of my families death. She sat and spoke to me of the
power I could have  by giving my life to her cause!

Her cause? I asked what cause would advance my own. She proceeded to tell me
of how the Dark Queen had given her a vision and along woth that vision

finishing her story , the door to the inn burst open. Through it came two men
one a human in red robes.. and the elf, but none as I had ever

He was an elf in stature yes...but he was pale, and had a chilling air about
him. No elf i have ever seen sent a chill through me as that one did! The one
in black (her name being Maire...not a common name to be sure) grabbed me and
spoke in the language of magic. A portal opened before us both and she shoved
me towards it. I barreled towards the shimmering gate when the pale elf spke a
word and it was gone! I have seen magic in the school where I have trained
since I was young, but none as powerfull as these two had! After seening this
spectacle, I burst from the tavern at full speed. How could I not? I have the
gift of magic, but these few had true power!

The events that transpired in that in I will never know. As I ran I felt a
presence above me. Turning to look I saw the human in red robes flying behind

He said he wanted to talk and seeing that I could not out run him I was at a

He sat and spoke to me of the Conclave. Told of how i could gain true power
through them...through time. I have heard this before in my
schooling...through my mothers teachings about the so-called great Solinari.
Where was this god when she laid dying at the hands of the elves?

Now I must choose. One way or another my life will be changed... but I am sure
of one thing...power will be curse the elves..and Solinari will not
be the way.

Author:    Sanathos       
Date:      Thu Oct  9 18:55:51 2008
Subject     Sanathos - a brief history

"Sanathos, wake, it's time." A bright ligt crept into slumbering
thoughts. "I dont want to go Father, I dont think it wise for me.." "Do not
make me discuss this with you again Sanathos." a dry voice came back.
Sanathos sat upright from his bed. "Father, I apologize, I will do as you
and mother say, but why now father do you use my human name? It falls
akwardly from your lips and does not become you." "Get used to your common
name Sanathos, after today you shall not be among many of your people for a
great while." 
Sanathos, Sanathosalath being his full elven name, grew up in anything
but a loving home. Mother and Father were both members of state in

Cold and unforgiving, Sanathos was raised devoid of emotion, that is
devoid of showing them on the outside. Ever proud and stoic, the only
passion one ever saw from the young elf was in the form of his magic.
His parents thought that this passion in the young elf would serve
their cause to fortify thir power in Silvanesti. Given over to his
Master, Sanathos quickly learned the ways of the elementary arcane,
and his love for it grew even more.

At the tender age of 100, Sanathos finds himself on the edge of a
precipice... His parents push him to take his test earlier than most,
to show their power, but he longs to be free from them to show his
own. Sanathos has no emotion for other beings. This attests to his
upbringing. Everything to him is right or wrong, black or white, he
has not yet seen the greys of the world being sheltered as he has
been. His deep rooted racism was fostered by his parents. E'li made
the other races, but they were to serve the elves, in Sanathos' humble

Sanathos believes he will choose the robes of Solinari, being what his
parents say he must do, but something tugs at his soul, a deeper
passion to weild power, over others, by force if necessary.
- Sanathos

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
