The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Shronius.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a worn folio on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Shronius' scribed in rich orange ink.

Author:    Shronius       
Date:      Sat Dec  4
03:35:27 2010
Subject     Time and Revenge

Had I
thought about it, it may have seemed quite odd that a
would have the audacity to stop me mid battle to talk.
The stranger was
dressed in some outlandish colorful silk most
likely imported from
Silvanost. He leaned towards me from his
steed addressing me at last,
"Pardon me, would you have any
Grey Poupon?" 

"But of course," I responded while
simutaneously reaching into my cloak and
handing him a spare jar
I carried.

Seconds or minutes later I found myself blinking off
the final effects of
sleep. The clouds covered the sky and the
moons had long sank from view. My
previous dreams did not even
cross my mind, but I did not pay any mind to it
as they never
seemed to any more. Stretching and yawning, I finally stood
from my bed in the grass. I paced back and forth for a few
minutes deciding
what needed to be done first, then realizing I
was thirsty proceeded to a
nearby stream to have a drink. 

stream moved at a very slow speed making the water seem almost
The water was cold and sweet. The water was always
wonderful here, but there
were no fish in the water I remembered.
My eyes slowly drifted over to my
reflection as I pondered
unimportant early morning things. It had been quite
a while since
I had even looked at my reflection or honestly cared about
appearance anyways. Despite my general apathy, I found myself
shocked at the
strange man I saw that seemed to have no
connection with myself. 'How long
has it really been?' I muttered
to myself. My once beautiful ebony hair now
reflected back at me
with large tangled masses of grey and a dull lifeless
black. My
eyes once bright and scary in their cursed red state now
much less intimidating and quite dull. A long beard hung
from my once clean
shaven face also streaked with grey. Even my
body seemed less toned than
before, but only slightly as I was
constantly engaged in activity on my

I looked into my herb
bag and found enough for one final bowl pack. After
smoking on my
pipe, I found myself sitting and thinking. I had never
realized quite how long I had been gone, but reflecting
back I could
remember at least 10 winters passing possibly 20.

'Whatever happened to everyone?' I wondered. My friends,
enemies, and clan
had all vanished from my life many years ago.
Even the gods seemed to have
vanished. I had no clue why I was
being subjected to the loneliness of this

Having not
eaten yet today, I located some mushrooms and berries I found
previous day. My stomach lurched after eating them still not
used to the
food in my current lifestyle. I laid back down in the
grass ashamed of
myself for getting beaten by a stomach ache. 'I
used to be one of the most
famous warriors in the world, and now
I'm lying here like a little kid
worrying about a stomach ache. '

"Shronius..." the trees whispered. My body felt warm
hearing my old name
called once again. I blinked, and realized I
was not in the same place. I
blinked a couple of times then
scanned around. I was in fact exactly where I
had been, but some
thing was different. The wind blew carrying an enhanced
that entered my ears and followed my spine. The sky was glowing
frightening color due to the appearance of the two moons
hovering in the sky
with the sun. Squinting, I thought I could
even see Nuitari shining, but
perhaps my eyes were just playing a
trick on me. 

The color of the moons and sun swirled through the
sky and seemed to sink
into everything and encompass reality. The
ground was non existant under me.
In fact, I seemed to be
floating amidst nothingness, but yet I felt
everything at the
same time . The contents of my mind seemed to be reflected
front of me. I saw myself in my youth battling my enemies amidst
mixture of former battlefields and the odd universe of colors I
seemed to be
trapped in. Continued...

Date:      Sat Dec  4 03:39:06
Subject     Time and Revenge continued

The images
of battle soon shifted to other people and events. I saw
Miranda, Fuzzfoot and a few other kender whose names I
couldn't place, but
were distinctive parts of my younger days.
The kender morphed into a
minotaur mage. He taunted me thinking
he was truely my better as he used to.
The minotaur quickly
became a young solamnic knight. The knight was then
joined by
many other knights of his order eyeing me with a look
determination and hate, but at the same time fear and respect.
Once again
the images morphed, but this time becoming the band of
mercenaries I had
long fought alongside and at one point lead.
Many more past memories
confronted me, but slowly they began to
recede and the swirl of colors that
I seemed to be trapped in and
blinking I was caught offguard to my
reflection in the stream
once again. 

"These people....they never left me....I left
them." I said in realization
to my reflection. "All of these
years I have sat here wondering what would
become of me and
unaware that I was forcing this lifestyle on myself.." 'I
been holding myself back and imprisoning myself all of these
years' I
finally realized. "I let myself age and become
seperated from this world."
How had I let myself become so
entangled in my own mind and so infatuated
with the drugs and
alcohol of this land? 

I had years to think. I knew it was time
for action not thinking. I
unsheathed a knife and cut my beard as
close to the skin as I could.
Following suit I trimmed a large
portion of my hair off so it would not get
in my way in battle.
"I held myself back for so long, but not anymore." My
seemed much brighter and full of life than they had earlier.
wasted a lot of time, but I shall make up for my own
actions.' I thought. My
brothers in the mercenary clans would
surely want news and enjoy my sword
alongside theirs again. After
reuniting with my friends and finishing my
business, the world
would be ready to pay. I had never fully accepted it and
it would
not accept me, thus I would destroy everything in my way. "I am
god. nothing can stop me, not even myself."

Author:    Shronius       
Date:      Tue Sep
22 17:01:59 2015
Subject     Teague's

Shronius sat comfortably on a fine elven made couch amongst the halls of the Elite Mercenary division. Unraveling a string around the bag, Shronius proceeded to flip the bag and it's contents onto the elogant mahogany table in front of him. Shronius' face remained completly expresionless as he silently counted the diamonds the sorceror had given him. After a few seconds, Shronius with no change of expression shoves the diamonds back into the bag and inserts the bag into the top of his boot. Shronius takes a long swig from a bottle of Dwarvish Spirits and proceeds to stand and walk down the halls of the Elite Mercenary division. Withdrawing a key on a small golden chain around his neck from underneath his chain mail, Shronius unlocks one of the many Mercenary vaults and tosses the sack of diamonds inside and promptly closes and locks it. A smile almost draws on Shronius' normally cold face as he remembers the days of his youth when metals and gemstones once meant something to him and he had aspirations of wealth. Shronius returns to the mahogany table and produces an iron key from the drawer and walks to a nearby hatch in the floor. Bending down with an unexpected ease for a man of Shronius' stature or age, he quickly unlocks the door and opens the hatch flooding light into the room below. The room is barren, the walls reinforced with steel on the innerside and enchanted with magical protections from the most skilled magicians and clerics amongst the Mercenary Elite ranks. In fact, the only thing inside the room is the prisoner he had previously abducted, Teague, laying bound and gagged in only undergarments on a pile of straw. "I trust you find our quarters accomadating young warrior. However, I have a real treat for you to enjoy today." Shronius spoke to Teague in Common in a tone slightly higher than a whisper and smirked. Shronius withdrew a dagger sheathed along his calf and gently pressed the cold steel into the man's cheek no more than a hair width's deep and began to slowly slice downwards towards the man's throat. A very light trickle of blood quickly dripped from the small incision on Teague's face. "It seems you really pissed someone off. They want me to bang you up real nice." Shronius spoke again in the tone only slightly louder than a whisper. Shronius thought briefly about the sorceror's request to simply break Teague's fingers. Teague began to writhe in response to the pain as Shronius proceeded to draw his dagger across the man's face drawing a matching line on the other side of the dragon lord's face. "Don't think of passing out or dying on me. I want you to feel the pain, and I have a real special treat for you. Real special. We'll call it an added bonus for using my time. It is not often that I get to come into contact with people of such high rank after all..." Shronius trailed off then began to grin an evil grin and the strange red eyes in his pupils seemed to glow brighter than normal. Shronius used the dagger to cut the bond around the dragon lord's hands and slammed one hand onto the ground with amazing dexterity and brought the pommel down onto Teague's fingers individually. After working over the man's right hand he proceeded to smash the bones inside of the man's left hand as well. Teague had to be in immense pain, but the discipline of the dragonarmies did not let him cry out in his pain. Shronius stood silently and closed his eyes leaving Teague's body bleeding on the floor. He whispered a prayer to his diety and smiled. "Now for the fun part.." Shronius whispered and his eyes seemed to widen. Shronius draws a line across his palm with the tip of the dagger and blood begins to trickle out. Stooping back down, Shronius brings his hand down onto Teague's face and pressed the cut against the cut on the right side of Teague's face. "It is always an honor to meet with people of such high rank...dragon lord..."Shronius whispered...

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 869 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'