The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Tnaxz.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a miniscule pocket book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Tnaxz' scribed in light purple ink.

Author:    Tnaxz          
Date:      Thu Dec 11
20:24:07 2008
Subject     Knife of teh Dracart: A goblin

 "Dard. Leave,"  Tnaxz growled, waving at the
goblin. A goblin messenger
had recently informed Tnaxz of a lost
item of value belonging to the
Dragonarmy. As the goblin
messenger bowed and left, Tnaxz called some others
from his
adopted tribe, Marauder, to discuss what could only end
advancement of the clan he had so recently found himself in.
 "A lost
Dragonarmy item.. Must be important.. Much talk of
it" Tnaxz thought to
himself. One of his old tribe, now a
goblin servant in the Dragonarmy, had
overheard some high ranked
officers talking furiously over a lost item An
item more then one
goblin had lost its life over as the officers took out
furry. Scanning around, Tnaxz sent a message to his brethern in
MidenIr and to King Grumm on the wings of magic, this would
be a most
interesting turn of events.

And so they as they had
it, all the goblins under their command had been
ordered to be on
the look out for this particular artifact. Even though they
not know yet what it was, they would find out. Many goblins may
slaves or warriors in the Drago Dragonarmy, but not all were
loyal to the
Dark Queen. Tnaxz snickered to himself, the Dragon
armys must be foolish to
think a godless race wouldnt betray
their precious queen as long as there
are still tribes in the
world to live under. Suddenly Tnaxz had a great

"Come,  Tnaxz ordered to a few nearby goblins to follow him.
Time to find
this artifact. Without it, the Dragonarmy would
surely lose its power and
goblins would return to their tribes.
 and you see the treacherous worm,
kill it. Tnaxz had other
business he planned to take care of before finding
this artifact.

Author:    Tnaxz          
Date:      Fri Dec
12 00:33:23 2008
Subject     name Knife of Dracart,

Tnaxz crawled along the outside out Palanthas. He
finally learned of the
object, the MidenIr goblins had eventually
found a man who knew of it and
made him talk.  "The knife of
Dragosomething, foolish goblins.  he thought
with a sigh. His
own tribe would never have been stupid enough to kill
prisoner after only learning the name of the object. 
Perhaps I should
convince a Cave Lord to take residence their,
their current leader is
stupider then a dwarf, or an elf."  He
shrugged, he could find a Cave Lord
anytime, now now was time to
find this knife. Muttering and cursing to
himself, he entered
Palanthas covered in rags even a goblin would consider
hoping to be mistaken as a gully dwarf. It would never do to
knights stick a sword in his stomach. After a long hour of
searching, he
found the port. It was not as easy as he thought it
would be to find. Mainly
because he had got lost in the sewers as
he met up with his loyal bodyguard,
a troll that was more hideous
then the rest. Still he had made it. It had
not taken long for
him to find a ship, a dark figure in the sewer had
agreed, after a bit of convincing to pay for his passage aboard
ship, and tell the captain of the unusual passengers. As Tnaxz
boarded the
ship, the sailors eyed him warily. "YOU!!" Tnaxz
screamed. This particular
sailor glowed a bright blue. He had
the dagger Screaming orders to his
troll, the troll and a few
quick fireballs from Tnaxz had most of the
sailors running for
their lives, and the dagger was on the ground.

 " It doesnt
look very good Tnaxz said with a sigh. He liked the looks
his fillet knife better.  "Still it must be a powerful
weaponBlaegsh,  he
ordered pointing at his troll  grab it"
As the troll grabbed it, Tnaxz saw
its face twist in rage, a
strange power sweep through him. The troll lunged
at Tnaxz
stabbed him in the chest and knocking him back the plank into
street. Screaming and running in terror from the troll, Tnaxz
cast a quick
fireball followed by a lightning bolt at the
pursuing troll, the troll
screamed, its hair caught fire, and the
dagger went flying back into a dark
alley. The guards soon came
and put an end to the troll. Tnaxz continued
screaming and
running down the streets crying in fear until he ended up
another, dark alleyway. Certain no more crazed trolls or
guards could find
him, he considered going back to the dagger,
but no..  Not sure which alley
it went in, someone mighter
grabbed it.."  Besides, he was afraid of the
dagger, as much as
he crazed the power he had seen it give the troll, he
figured it
best not to go mad while in a city of humans.  "MidenIr
will watch the exits,  he said to himself  "someone
leave soon with dagger."
x  Good thing magic armor protect me
from troll dagger Or had it? He could
have sworn the dagger
pierced both his magic and metal armorSighing, Tnaxz
was just
glad the trolls fist must have hit him more then dagger.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 869 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'