The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Urvas.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap is at 65. You change? Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a dirty book showing much wear on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Urvas' scribed in glowing orange ink.

Author:    Urvas          
Date:      Wed May 23
02:23:50 2007
Subject     The vision in blood.

Lighting flashes over the sky in the old walk way out side of
though a path long forgotten in time where scatter parts
of old rubble older
then the city its self.  A lone shadow
follow's the path only now and again
when lighting flashes can
the shadow be seen.  The wind howls though the
tree's like the
scream's of the dead.  The shadow keeps its course not
stoping when sound or movement flitters along the path. 
Slowly the lighting
stops and the night stands pitched back.  

Slowly the  the shadow  moves back and a masked face stares out
into the night at the old ruble. Slowly  the sound of a whisper
voice begins to chant words of prayer and slowly pieces of the
ruble begin to glow a faint glow.
The form stands still as if
hearing words no other can hear. Slowly it nods and kneels before
a group of ruble that still glows.  a prayer begins to fill the
air in a soft sexless voice. Slowly the ruble lose's its glow and
a simple medallion lays on  
part of the ruble. A blacked glove
hand reaches down and pick's up  the medallion and places it over
its head. slowly the shadow is pulled over the masked face and
begins it path away from the rumble.

Author:    Urvas 
Date:      Thu May 24 00:18:01 2007
The hidden darkness, Lost Path

 Screams of the others
fill the room of the simple cell in a forgotten
temple.  Harsh
screams of those dyeing and the ones waiting to die.  Among
a young child sits with the mark of the queen over his heart. 
words come from a group of bugbears preparing the next to
sacrifice to there
dark god.  The group pushes in to hide from
them hiding the child deep in
there folds.  The smell of human
remains and other creates vile fills the
cell.  Quickly the gates
to the cell fling open and they grab a hold of en
elderly man. 
The boy eyes fill with fire seeing another being taken off
the others.  Slowly he closes his eye's to say his prayer to
goddess.  Almost as if on key as soon as his prayer is done a
grate booming
shakes the temple as a war begins with out the
temple.  Another boom and the
body's press him to the floor as
they crash onto him knocking him out.  

Slowly he opens his
eyes, Was it days or was it hours?  Slowly he pushes the
of a dead man off of him as he looks around to find him self
The troops must of moved on and only himself and the dead
where there. 
Slowly he thanked his goddess and begins to push
and pull the corpse finding
anything he could use.  Afther an
hour of going the the temple he looks at
the pile of things he
gathered .  He nods quickly and starts loads what he
can into a
pack and hook the mace he found to his belt strap. 
carefully he makes his way though the city and into the
wild beyond the
city's glow of fires and dead.  He picks up his
pace as darkness leaves him
lost in the woods.  He wonders for
what feels like hours before he finally
lays down where he falls
and sleeps.  
To be continued...

Author:    Urvas 
Date:      Fri May 25 00:52:20 2007
Enter the darkness, Lost path II

Eyes flare open as the
sound of muffled voice fill the air.  Urvas looks
around to see a
group of haunting looking humans wanders straight at him.

Quickly he forces him self up muttering a quick prayer to his
goddess as the
group quickly makes there way to him.  Quickly
fitly hands grasp his wrist
and legs as they speak quickly in
common."  Itstheone, nohecantbelookathim?

Buthehastobetheoneweseek!"  Urvas eyes dart back and forth
quickly he try's
his best to break free.  As he fights his way
from there hands the shirt he
takes breaks free from his shoulder
and the Dark crescent shows to the
group.  "THEONE,
THEONEWESEEK!"  The group chants as one as the pick him up
lead him into the woods deeper.  There hands relax and soon the
sway of
them carrying him lull's him back to sleep.  

flash quickly around him.  In his hand he holds a mace none the
he has seen or heard tell of.  Quickly he looks around to
see a massive army
around him as he leads them into a battle. 
Slowly he looks down to see a
grand shield in his hand he holds
it up close to his face as he rides a
brown color mare.  Just as
he break's into the enemy's like he feels as if
hes falling then
a single voice fills his mind.  No yet, Not yet butt soon
will lead them, Like the others!   
His open as the
group of people stand over him quickly they begin to speak and he
just stares at them. 

Author:    Urvas         

Date:      Fri May 25 17:20:15 2007
Subject     The
one?, Lost Path III

 Days go by as he learns to
understand the people words.  Telling them to
slow down did no
good so he had to learn to break each part down.  Finally
weeks of being with them he learnt who they where.  They where
ones who turned there backs on his goddess in her almost
greatest hour, the
non believes who didn't aid her.  She had
cursed them to go almost insane to
the point where no village
would allow them.  They Had made a village deep
with in a
mountain where they work there best to be free of the curse to
her work.  Here they have taken text from all corners of the
known world,
Here is where they lived and grew they crazed
family's.  Slowly they begin
to push there knowledge into him
Years go by and soon the young boy was now
almost a man.  Then it
happen again, a great storm filled the area.  The
crashing of
thunder drew them into a rage.  Then the voice fills his mind. 

They have done what i sent them to do, Release them.  Then
on the next crash
of thunder His eyes begin to change he looked
at them and nodded.  Quickly
he begin to release them from there
curse, With his mace.  There face show
shock at first as if to
fight agent him, yet soon they gave over knowing
they would be
free from the curse.  Then as the storm clears finally he
around at all the dead, none where forgotten, none to tell the
tale of
this night.  Slowly he goes though the small village to
he finds the hidden
keep of the insane ones.  Slowly he opens the
doors to the keep where he
smiles as he see the mace he saw so
long ago in his dream.  He reach's for
the mace and stops just
shoot as he see's a mask along side it.  Slowly he
reaches for
the mask and pulls it up to look at it.  In the soft light in
room it gives it a Unique look, nothing like he seen before. 
Slowly he
lays the mask on his face and is shocked as it fits
like it was made for
him.  Quickly he grabs the mace, and
replaces it with his own.  Quickly he
gathers the rest of the
treasure and turns to leave the home he has had for
the last few
years.  Saying a soft prayer he leaves the village as the roof
the cave begins to fill in the hole.  

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 869 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
