The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Ansiau.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a thread-bare book bound in cloth on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Ansiau' scribed in unearthly purple ink.

Author:  Ansiau
Date    Fri Mar  8 22:25:59 2002

Subject  The Moonsong of Aurin: Part I ( Poem about Aurin the saviour of
palanthas from takhisis, and servant of lunitari.)

As the darkling sky ceases, in the lulling of a sweet town, Foreboding as to a
whole it pieces, an accursed and wretched crown.

Palanthas is unaware as her virtuous children are benighted, 'Lo! The advent
of a firmament dyed black and blood red, The look as if from a demon it was
bled, a portent so of dread.

Cruel that violent sea, overhead with the endlessly tortuous swirl, Raging and
writhing in agony, overhead lies that snake in its curl, Twisting and
convulsing--plague infected and malady to us all, And so it begot those
onyx-hued omens above that we see, While tempting the mighty sky itself to
damned chaos too, Look friends! Tragedy so does fall, by a malignant decree!
See the tumult in the dying sky and all the despair by this rue! Palanthas is
surely set in stone of the dead that rest forever alone.

Would the stout guardians of your city, laden with marvel right, In all
hallowed luminance fall prey to the enmity, of this periled blight? The
virtuous knights of Paladine--even they cannot fair, Against a host so
beckoned on by this deadly crooning By Paladine! The knights this evil could
not bear, and rather be swooning! Now beyond ensorcelled dreams, and beyond
even magic's demur, There lies the one who masterfully seams, the gilded
enterprise so pure.

The Goddess' eyes are timeless--most worthy to best immortal poetry, Calm like
waves of a deep ocean--wise like the captain who tames it, Most ever so
motherly to the sagacious princes of neutrality true, Lunitari in soft
vermilion glowing so slowly, dictates what is to be writ, Begets from her own
womb precious Hope--to the just people it is due.

As she descends into the world of mortal men, in their lowly prosperity, The
lovely white stars are her company to this den--in dazzling celerity, To their
beautiful mistress in her vermilion pristine, Lovely like the ruby heart that
is to countless games of love inspiration, With fleet pearl protectors in a
lucent sheen: one is to hear her evocation.

To her most beloved servant she whispers lightly, like a gentle butterfly,
Within his soothing dream she wraps him tightly, with words that cry: "Noble
Aurin, loyal and ardent champion of my cause, With a fealty so austere and
gratifying to my ear, Your silvery hair a reflection of your faith's
immaculate radiance, The time so fated so nearly to destiny draws, and if me
you do revere, Take unto your bosom my words and march in tune and in cadence.

But do not surfeit in folly loyal dear... are you strong and without peer? And
Aurin in all his handsome splendor, elegant in his skin of ebony fair, Said
unto this goddess-damsel of wonder, "To defy me they do not dare!"

"I shall be as inclement as the wild and moody red storm, Quick on the feet
like the entrancing dancer in deftness too! Magic is mine to mightily blow in
easy form. It is your wishes I cleave to."

Smilingly gaily at her eloquent star on Krynn, so with a transfixing glance,
The guardian pearls took up the mandolin, giving Aurin a hero's chance.

"Worthy Aurin, fearless subject whose doughty deeds, Only resonate within the
starry halls of your so valued mistress, Who is I, Lunitari, so in this land
and yours--forever and forevermore.

In a lofty city's plight you must be succor and intercede, and be no less, A
devout servant of me in every move and gesture to the bloody core, That would
be your mortal heart will you in this enterprise be a part?"

And Aurin in his bright shine, beaming as the heroic and artful prince, Saying
as this goddess he so did enshrine, "I'll plow without hindrance."

"The enemy will line up in the fields of the ill-fated that morning, With
magic rightly as my scythe in this time of harvest so nigh, Reap from the
fields while profit I am adorning: Queen that is my reply."

Author:  Ansiau
Date    Fri Mar  8 22:34:23 2002

Subject  The Moonsong of Aurin: Part II

With happiness with every savory word so by Aurin flown, so to accrue, The
stunning goddess-damsel in sonorous tone, gives Aurin what is due.

"Destined Aurin, by my own doing I shall procure you, A powerful and loyal
Moondragon of my especial love, As well as one hundred Moongolems to do your
will, For Palanthas is your destination--true, and for the sake of, Balance in
this world, it shall be the host of Takhisis that you kill.

So are prepared my child? Ready to render the storm calm and mind?"

And again to his lovely queen Aurin bowed his head, in honor to her, With his
hand over his heart he so said, "To your plan Queen, I concur!"

Let me ride astride the fiery and fleet steed your provide, With my hands
commanding all sorcery so grand, I'll do virtue and by your laws I shall
abide, while in that accursed land."

Hence the coming of a scintillating creature, so large and grandly strong, So
fine that your heart it does tincture, with awe--lulled by Dragon Song.

The burnished horns to the shining snout, The scales so polished that in them
it is your own reflection, That you see amidst the dragon's will-o-wisp
aura--a brilliant carmine, So indeed while the gleeful stars are out, all
deference to a resurrection, While they chorus the dragon song accompanied by
sonorous mandolin Talons were all daggers deadly sharp so taut like the
strings of a harp.

Seral's bulk was enormous size, more than the rowdy tavern men treasure, So
mighty that they who fear it are the wise, and do so in good measure.

His jutting scales on that rippling neck whose riddled length, Was that of
that of ten man-sized war pikes! Aurin's aid is the strength, of a terror that
shall deliver a thousand strikes! Next were the golems strapping and stout,
materializing out of nowhere, From a burly hulk innumerable crystals jutted
out, all with a shiny flare.

There were no muscles my audience but crippling power of brute rock, That so
did permeate the being like muscles on a stocky warrior fierce, Still glowing
a fiery and subtle red all the while, 'Lo! What force! With each and every
shock--oh hard eyes that pierce! A man is subdued and solicited to death's
realm yes they did beguile, All who so fought them to this fate of the grave
in a bloody state.

One hundred of these mysterious ones, with the occult called wrath Apathetic
to all indeed: many a man so in fear runs, lest the cross its path.

Standing loyal and breathless all at once too, Creatures unlike the soul
bearing down below, Yet now to serve such an honorable purpose true: let the
heroes come so! Finally with all of Lunitari's soldiers together banded,
purpose so in mind, The Red Moon Queen sends them off open-handed, so graceful
and kind.

"My precious heroes I commend yourselves to me, Valiant Aurin, my servitor in
magical workings Rid Palanthas of the evils of Takhisis while bearing my
vermilion banner!"

And so all one hundred and two for the victory, including he with wings, Bowed
solemnly their heads to accept this enterprise in gallant manner.

Within seconds quick and fleeting--the enemy they were to be meeting.

Aurin awoke to the clamorous onslaught, while on his dragon endeared, Eastward
was what the Takhisis brought, though sight was a bit bleared.

Held up high by her evil knights in all their polished splendor, Standing tall
and so fluttering in an ominous breeze, Were black gonfalons that say with
candor, "We are to do as we please!" Indeed this was a intrepid host, at least
one hundred courageous knights, About their burnished mail they boast: in such
things a knight delights.

Accoutered in black plates from shoulder to toe, Great helms for heads and
sturdy gauntlets for hands, As well as trusted claymores and cutting
longswords, Some have steeds so agile and quick to show, of luxurious brands,
While the rest see that on ground there are better wards, Against the foe that
is to the slaughter--so for ignoble reasons martyrs.

Author:  Ansiau
Date    Fri Mar  8 22:45:37 2002

Subject  The Moonsong of Aurin: Part III

Aiding the Dark Knights in their advance, Draconians in their filth to war,
They too--from sword to the lance--marching upon Paladine's manor.

Their wretched screams pierce even the hardest heart, To fill even the most
precious and sweet sky with misery, Oh so they are to depart, to the city
under the dying sky of agony.

At least two hundred of those cruel beasts, but not to mention, The flying
fiends who plan bloody feasts: to them we give attention.

Gruesome demons with five golden horns atop the head, Massive and deathly
mouths with bloodthirsty teeth, Bearing muscular bodies so inhumanely rippling
with black and crimson, Their gigantic jet-black wings beat until they've fed,
and caused grief, Children, to play with them is not quite so fun, As they
would gladly rip you apart tear you through until the heart.

Lastly with these deadly predators are the knights, who love to ride, The
dragons in their valorous fights, and to them the beasts are tied.

Resting in the saddle with the lengthy and woe-bringer lance, Launched
steadfastly in the gilded stirrups while ardently thinking, Of how to transfix
the enemy upon the chance: this wine he was drinking.

Palanthas' good and worthy people were still: from most of the press, They
were safe and say to what fate shall will: "This is an accursed mess!"

Now there they were within the center of the city, But the hundred Moongolems
were well dispersed, To the four walls of Palanthas as guardians staunch and
persevering, In this battle there would be no pity, only ones to the grave to
be cursed, And while Aurin was thoughtfully his friends to him was endearing,
He surmised the situation to which he was tied to by a holy evocation.

"I commend myself to you Lunitari and you alone, without erring, In thought of
your exalted throne--your sweet banner I shall be bearing, While I smite these
minions of Takhisis with my companions loyal, Using omnipotent magic as my own
lance of woe, When I finish this may the greeting be royal, the one a servitor
to know."

It was then that the flying knights and demons flew, through the sky, To meet
Aurin in a wicked fight true, the time of battle now so nigh.

In the midst of battle a brave knight tested his valor, Against the awesome
might of Aurin and his dragon exalted, But Seral was to give him death's
eternal pallor: for he had faulted.

Indeed the heroes the knight did rush, full of deadly fury, But with a mortal
swoop of the tail Seral did crush, that foolish fury.

Screaming through the sky it slammed right into the chest, Of the man of folly
who entreated destiny, For a fate that was not to be his to decide, Now as he
flew twenty leagues he was to lie in perpetual rest, all in misery.

His dragon indignantly roared but Seral was too quick by deftness belied, The
neck in the maw that he bore: dragon then to fall lifeless to the floor.

Another was foolish and attempted the same, but to another demise, Aurin
canted in his arcane verse with a fiery flame, in his hourglass eyes.

Wondrous power emanated from all his being, And so shot from his laborious and
vengeful hands by verse to be lead, Was a sight the knight was to be seeing--a
fireball aimed for his head.

Lucent and fiery like the sun, too bright for the poor eyes to conceive!
Slamming into the fool as it ended its run, as it him of his life did bereave!
The throng of sanguine demons swarmed all around the heroes, And Seral
delivered a thousand strikes and smites, With tail, maw, and talons sharp as
the farmer's sickle, Once again Aurin canted in verse that only he knows,
wrongs to right, In this abysmal nightmare that from Takhisis' infinite
reverie did trickle, Only to dye a white city red and have one not living but

Author:  Ansiau
Date    Fri Mar  8 22:53:14 2002

Subject  The Moonsong of Aurin: Part IV

Now one of the finest of the High Tower, in a magical madness, Summons from
fingertips the greatest power, the greatest sadness.

With each word his sung for magic he sorcerous height increased, His whole
body the selfsame color of his determined ardor fiery red, The glow pulsing
like a lantern--he pieced a crown for them to dread.

Out from his lulling fingertips flew, in a bright and darting rage, Was a
might that not even the demons could eschew, even gauge.

Prismatic shells, black, silver, red, yellow, blue, many and numerous, Oh so
more than threescore and in all their beauty shining, Were off to wretched and
accursed demons who revel in evil doing, And as if they were like great
boulders ponderous, while on these dining, The demons caught them and fell
limp to down below by their wooing, Aurin welcomed the demons not so well,
"Take this and go to hell!"

Now down below the Moongolems too, in their stoutness and grace, Were wreaking
havoc upon the enemy of rue, with a blow to the face.

We allow that the Dark Knights and the draconians made way, Through the use of
wall scaling and clever wall breaking, But once in their way the golems would
lay, the way out they'd be taking.

Each and every golem would strike you, dead in the instant, That you received
their pound or crush due, to the abyss you'd be sent.

Five times the size of any one man in burly size and brute strength, At them
you would try to cut and hew with brands, Of the most sturdy and wrathful
kind, Yet even when you'd pile on it the tenth, so with both hands, One by one
it'll smite you dead or throw you over--so far behind Still you'd be gone for
a date with the grave! Still darkness' slave! It was after this realization,
that a renowned knight found the key, The so gilded way to salvation, the road
to a worthy destiny.

Anslebert, one of the most illustrious and valiant, Of all of the legions in
the ever terrifying Dark Armies, Summoned his courage ever so luminously
radiant, and says what he sees: "This wily magician and dragon so tiresome,
are the causes of our defeat, Yet once with my black lance I give welcome,
death they shall greet!"

And so when he rushed forth at Aurin while wielding a enormous lance, That
fearless knight in his burnished plates, Atop a dragon so transcendent in size
to all others save Seral of Aurin The evil ones did dance, with the happiness
that so delightfully elates, All in cheering on their unparalleled dark knight
to the prized win, Yet this did not dismay Aurin: he did nothing but happily

Once locked in a dire fight, with his ever elusive opponent, Aurin was too
fleet and light, but never did the knight relent.

But then a fatal error--natural to fools who challenge heroes, The knight's
beast charges too fast to recover well, And down he goes, and arises to see
Aurin and to meet his hell.

Before Anslebert could rally, and give Aurin one last swipe, Aurin sung magic
again in a sally, for the time was indeed ripe.

Ten fiery balls of fire and lightning flew unto the unlucky man, Each one
brighter and more shimmering than the previous, Ephemeral existence so
justified by fatal boom! Grant it that not all did reach him--as was the plan,
but ever grievous, To him were the ones that did so delivering a fateful doom,
Once he was in everlasting rest, Evil said, "Alas! Down is one of our best!"

Miserable was the death cry, of the one in armor tempestuously burning, And as
Anselebert in fire did die, his fate slighted death he was spurning.

The evil knight fell like the unfortunate fruit that is windswept, And from
the hallowed tree sent to the earthen floor defiled for carrion: Upon him
destiny's end crept, and high justice gave him abysmal eternity.

Author:  Ansiau
Date    Fri Mar  8 23:00:24 2002

Subject  The Moonsong of Aurin: Part V

Like Evil, the heroes saw this valiant feat, and with brotherly praise, The
Moongolems with bells on their feet, cheered in a triumphant craze.

All as one lifted up their crystal arms to Aurin, The wonderful slayer of the
evil that besieged in spite, A town of the just and good among mortal men,
Honor they would win, and redoubled were their efforts to a new height, As if
Lunitari said to the sentient rocks of might to morality deepen: "If by eyes
Aurin's heroic deeds you see, by hands carve away the victory!"

For countless hours Lunitari's warrior band, all so hand in glove, Worked and
labored hard whether in sky or land, for Her love.

After myriad grim duels in the vermilion sea, Aurin was falling prey to the
clever war-enchantress of fatigue, Tired eyes glowed silently, for in fighting
he had ventured many a league.

Still his heart could not settle, for the fiery love of battle urged him on.

Nothing could defile his lordly mettle, and for that he gave a smile wan.

However after another score of duels while in the saddle resting, So exhausted
from the right works of honor golden, The toll was too much and he unawares
did swoon, Him from this world death was slowly wresting, with a sweet croon,
But no for the sake of his Queen! Again his own will he did embolden, And
awoke to a sight--worthy is he who beholds it with resolute tune! So grisly
and terrifyingly real! Takhisis here to destroy the common weal! The five
heads in variable motion, snaked forward and back, Her body vast like an ocean
heads of red, blue, green, white, and black.

Even Aurin strained to comprehend the enormous bulk, That was double the
lordly stature of Seral his mount, And ever so creeping was this bulk the
terror Aurin was to surmount.

The myriad scales so glistened brightly, by the shine of the departing sun, At
this our hero gripped the reins tightly, and his destiny did not shun.

He first glanced at the deep emerald eyes of a head violently hissing, He
first glanced at the deep emerald eyes of a head violently hissing, Comforted
only then gilded horns on a head of darkness accursed, Sickle-sharp teeth
you'd be kissing, a bloody fortune incur, If you came unto her without being
in potency well-versed, When those cloud-sized wings flapped--The vision your
courage sapped! And unto Aurin said She, the veritable seductress of iniquity:
"For you to come here is mortal folly! Yet for me, what precious glee!"

"'Lo! Hero of Lunitari, you do yourself harm, By attempting an enterprise out
of your ken, Now I attend to all the thieves in my farm: lucky, if you had
never been."

And to the small creature of high fealty, atop his dragon held firmly so, The
voice seemed to echo throughout with enmity, as one ever to know: "Bear you,
Aurin, contempt or scorn against me Who is so far more omnipotent and duly
exalted, Than any living thing seen so around you by your enfeebled eyes!?"

With that the gruesome horror did show, as if mistress of infinity, All the
terrible nightmares and hosts of phantasms--so they assaulted, Him in the
guise of a dragon furious--ever to mortals fatally injurious.

She seemed to eclipse even the retreating sun: a darkness in front of light,
How could one a thing so vast magically bludgeon? So perilous the sight! But
the flame of Lunitari's torch did not to a flicker slake! Soberly glancing at
his companions down below, He fears not! Now Vengeance to quake, and inclement
winds to blow! Defiant Aurin took up the challenge with a grin, like a boy
elated, "A yarn about how I shall take you to the abyss, spin, and I will be

"Know this wrathful Queen of damned darkness and the like, I am servitor to
the Goddess Lunitari celestially beautified, And by her command I shall
vanquish her foes!"

Thus magician and dragon sped to the strike, and all temerity died, That could
have ever been in such a hero so grand from head to toes! Trumpets
sounded--drums beat loudly! Aurin, we salute you proudly!

Author:  Ansiau
Date    Fri Mar  8 23:06:01 2002

Subject  The Moonsong of Aurin: Part VI - The Final Showdown

For three hours the fighters ran the dying skies, over the periled city,
Takhisis after fleet and quick Seral flies, harboring no quarter nor pity.

Finally after a chanced darting swoop of inexplicable dread, Takhisis had
profited herself of Aurin's blood crimson, For on his chest a sanguine talon
had fed: it seemed as if he was done.

Now one hand on his painful wound flowing, other to beloved mistress, In a sea
of despair he was surely rowing, but hope was with Her largesse.

"My Mistress! Succor the faithful, willingly who in your name die, Like the
roses to the violent storm or cold hail, We stand alone as your noble stars
before all perdition!"

Aurin coughed blood and continued with a sigh, or a holy wail, That all of
Krynn heard within compassion breasts as fortune's contrition: "Allow me the
strength for one more blow! To lay the enemy low!"

Thus from out of his soul, came an inspired power so profound, In Aurin's last
triumphant was its role, to Takhisis it was duly bound.

From the bloodstained fingertips came a fiery wave, In scale as copious in
stretching as the abyss itself, Riding towards her while to a single light
slave, despite all magical wealth.

The prismatic tide rhythmically pulsed like an ethereal lantern, so afire,
That all that watched in a countenance sober and stern, of its beauty tire.

Once it crashed upon the wicked Dark Queen, It whipped around her ever so
violently, As if a Pure Wind was there in person to set Pure Fire all upon
her, And so as was quieted the brilliant sheen, ever so silently, Aurin beheld
the departure of Takhisis after a Lunitari's fury she did incur, From trying
to avail herself against what is good-as one never should! Battle was now a
memory to your eye, and a sense of peace, Warmth for you Aurin ever so nigh,
blanketed so by bliss' fleece.

So from all the corners and dark ends and bends, The citizens of Palanthas so
arise from with heads held lofty and high, Saluting the hero Lunitari sends,
to save Palanthas with his valiant warcry.

And to them Aurin in due turn, saluted with happiness for done task, A cruel
fate the citizens did spurn, and we drink from meekness' flask.

Thus the courageous host all in swirling and glittering red, Evanesced just as
in the beginning they came, Like guardian fairies to the damsel in the
nightmare, So with all that was said, and to despised Evil's shame, We indeed
and rightly so--must take the greatest care, To honor Aurin's song
forevermore, a hero valiant to the heart's core.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 871 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'