The Great Library of Palanthas
Astinus' Office
Dominating the center of this room is a massive birch desk. Legend claims this desk has supported the thousands of volumes of history Astinus has recorded. A large pot of ink, a container of sharpened quills, and a candelabra complete the desks decorations. Small windows line the room, allowing light to trickle in and gently illuminate the entire room. A comfortable couch rests against the west wall. Tapestries hang on the walls between the windows. Shelves line the walls, filled with tomes of the more recent records of heroes and villians upon the face of Krynn.
The librarian notices you aren't reading anything... Astinus hands a massive tome lined with fake jewels to an Aesthetic standing by you. You note the spine bears the word 'Rhibbl' scribed in dull black ink. As you glance down at the page you read..
From the pages of Rhibbl's book..
Author: Rhibbl Date: Sun Jul 15 19:27:31 2007 Subject Rhibbl Background A small village is quietly nestled under tall, dark pine trees. No light shines forth from any window, no fire is seen in the pits, and no citizens can be seen moving around the streets or alleyways. In fact, the entire village is cursed, and it all has to do with dark magic. It happened quite early that morning. Three dark cloud wraiths swept down upon the village and swallowed with their gaping mouths, anything alive. An old, withered hag with wiry gray hair looks down at the cursed village. She is standing on the crest of a large, snow covered mountain. The strong wind makes her bony frame sway to it's violent rhythm. With an evil grin, she cackles, while she proceeds to crick and contort her entire body. Her long, green robe whips in unison with the wind. She has travelled a long distance to be here, and a vision has brought her to this point in time. The old hag also has no idea why she should seek out a small child. The old hag only knows that the village is cursed and that all the town inhabitants are gone. Her god, Morgion, asked her to complete this task, or face certain death. The old hag mutters quietly to a monkey bird hovering beside her. "Fly down to that thar village. Seek out the weeee one and bring it back to me, all in one piece. It will be wrapped in a dirty red sash, and hidden in a chicken coop. Do not come back without the child AND the sash." The hairy, brown monkey-bird cocks it's head to one side, and begins to chatter loudly. After a quick hover in a wind stream, the monkey-bird dives down in search of the not-yet-named humanoid, Rhibbl.
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[Mundane] Mouse Problem (cont'd) by Bantam, posted on Wed Jan 22 22:56:36 2025.
Bantam secreted her seed packets in another cabinet, the highest one that she could find, then set about cleaning up th(read more)....
The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD
Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.
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