The Great Library of Palanthas

Astinus' Office

Dominating the center of this room is a massive birch desk. Legend claims this desk has supported the thousands of volumes of history Astinus has recorded. A large pot of ink, a container of sharpened quills, and a candelabra complete the desks decorations. Small windows line the room, allowing light to trickle in and gently illuminate the entire room. A comfortable couch rests against the west wall. Tapestries hang on the walls between the windows. Shelves line the walls, filled with tomes of the more recent records of heroes and villians upon the face of Krynn.

The librarian notices you aren't reading anything... Astinus hands a large book to an Aesthetic standing by you. You note the spine bears the word 'Pike' scribed in brilliant purple ink. As you glance down at the page you read..

From the pages of Pike's book..

Author: Pike Date: Sun Dec 27 11:49:52 2009 Subject Rebel or Conclave? When Pike was a young lad, he would get straight As in magic school. After a while, the teachers just stopped giving him tests because they knew that he would get 100%. he was so fed up with their lazyness that he started to be lazy also. After a while, he got behind in school. Pike found out that he was a couple of chapters behind. The school leader kicked Pike out of their school for this. Since there was no other schools in the area, he started to venture out. While on his journy, he heard more and more about the Rebels and the Conclaves. He heard that the Conclaves had a school so he ventured out to find out more about this Conclave. Author: Pike Date: Thu Jan 7 04:43:09 2010 Subject Apprentice Versivius is startled by the knock at the door and yells 'Enter' Pike enters the room. Versivius asks 'How may I help you?' Pike says 'Hi. I'm looking for a master, Sir.' Versivius straightens up and looks at the young man before him and says 'A master? Well you need to go see Lynx... wait a minute you no longer need to go see him.' Pike asks 'Why?' Versivius says 'Well you need look no further. I'll interview you for an apprenticeship.' Versivius asks 'How long have you been at the Academy?' Pike says 'Just a couple of days Sir.' Versivius says 'So you are where I was a few years ago. New and lost and hoping to find a Master to help you through your apprenticeship.' Versivius says 'Ahhh. The good old times.' Versivius says 'Well to start with do you understand that at the end of your apprenticeship you'll need to undertake the test of magic?' Pike says 'Yes Sir, I do.' Pike says 'I have been studying magic for a while.' Versivius says 'You also need to understand that the test is not a matter of passing or failing. There are no right or wrong ways of doing things. All we want to know is that you'll use magic responsibly.' Pike says 'For the best and only the best.' Versivius says 'No. For those who show they are responisble enough to be allowed to wield magic.' Pike says 'I am responsible.' Pike says 'For all that I know.' Versivius says 'Ahhh. The good old times.' Versivius says 'Well to start with do you understand that at the end of your apprenticeship you'll need to undertake the test of magic?' Pike says 'Yes Sir, I do.' Pike says 'I have been studying magic for a while.' Versivius says 'You also need to understand that the test is not a matter of passing or failing. There are no right or wrong ways of doing things. All we want to know is that you'll use magic responsibly.' Pike says 'For the best and only the best.' Versivius says 'No. For those who show they are responisble enough to be allowed to wield magic.' Pike says 'I am responsible.' Pike says 'For all that I know.' Pike says 'Thank you great Versivius.' Versivius says 'Well your master will set you tasks that you are to perform to his standard. Wether it be cleaning his room or study and or cooking all his meals.' Pike says 'I can do whatever he asks.' Versivius says 'Some of the tasks may seem mundane but you must remember Pike says 'Of course.' Versivius says 'I like your spirit Pike and so I'll ask Lynx if I can take you on as an apprentice.' Pike says 'Thank you Sir.' Versivius says 'Now report back to me tomorow at dawn. I'll be in the laboratory brewing some potions and by then should know what ingredients I require.' Pike bows deeply. Versivius say 'Remember to see me at dawn Pike.' Versivius tip your hat to Pike. Pike says 'Yes Sir. I won't forget.' Pike says 'Thank you a lot Sir.' Versivius smiles and leans back in his chair. Author: Pike Date: Mon Jan 11 02:03:31 2010 Subject A Master starts his true vocation, part two Pike knocks Versivius says 'Enter' Pike enters the room. Versivius says 'Good morning Pike' Pike asks 'go anything for me today to learn?' Versivius says 'There is a lot you still need to learn before we can let you lose on the world.' Versivius smiles broadly. Pike asks 'Like?' Versivius says 'Well what do you know of the structure of the Conclave of mages.' Pike says 'Nothing at all.' Versivius says 'Mmm then we do have something rather important to discuss.' Pike says 'Except lynx and jenderon are the head people.' Versivius says 'Well take a seat and we'll get into the broad details and then refine things from there.' Pike sits down on the ground. Versivius shakes his head and points at the comfortable couch in the corner. Pike sits on the couch. Versivius says 'Well to start with yes Lynx and Jendaron for part of the hierarchy but they are not all of it.' Versivius says 'The conclave is broken in to three branches each with it's own leaders and their subordinates.' Pike asks 'Red, black, and white robes?' Pike says 'I've seen people around with those three colours.' Versivius says 'That is correct.' Pike claps his hands together. Versivius says 'Each of those is a follower of a different god of magic and as such we all have different goals and views on magic.' Pike says 'Okay.' Versivius asks 'Can you tell me which god each of those colours represent?' Pike says 'Lunitari red.' Versivius asks 'Correct, and the other two?' Pike asks 'Morgion black?' Pike says 'and solinari white' Versivius says 'No Morgion is not a god of magic' Pike asks 'What is black?' Versivius says 'You are thinking of Nuitari' Versivius asks 'Now do you think you could guess how each of the three groups of Pike says 'Solinari is preserving.' Pike says 'and lunitari is neither' Versivius says 'mmm not quite that simple Im afraid' Pike asks 'how are they?' Versivius says 'Well the followers of Nuitari wish power to rule the world with out regard for who is caught in the way and Story + what happens to them.' Pike says 'Okay.' Versivius says 'They don't wish to kill everyone as they would then have no one to rule over.' Pike says 'Of course.' Versivius says 'The followers of Solinari also wish to rule the world but to them the well being of all the people comes first. Power is a means to and end for them.' Pike asks 'So one rules by being bad and the other rules by being really good? In a way.' Versivius says 'That is a very simplistic way of looking at it but yes.' Pike asks 'So simplistically, Lunitari rules by neutrality?' Versivius says 'We the followers of Lunitari prefer to balance the approach as we realise you can't be good to everyone all the time. There are times when you have to deceive people.' Pike says 'Okay... I like that one.' Versivius says 'Now as to the structure of the Conclave.' Pike says 'Ya.' Versivius says 'Each of the three groups has their own power structure.' Pike says 'Cool.' Versivius says 'And each of them has their own requisites for advancing through them at the higher levels.' Pike says 'Okay.' Versivius says 'The agreement between the three groups is that the preservation of magic is most important to all of us.' Pike says 'Alright.' Versivius says 'And to that end while we are in the Towers there is peace between mages.' Pike slowly states 'Cool.' Versivius says 'But once out side the towers there is no such agreement.' Versivius says 'I mean that while the mages of the different orders will work together inside the halls of this establishment you cannot trust of them outside.' Pike asks 'So I can't trust someone like Jenderon outside of here?' Versivius says 'I'd be very wary around a mage as powerful as him.' Pike says 'I'll stay far away from him then.' Versivius says 'It is only during times of war and strife that we really need to mistrust the other mages but always be on your guard when you leave the safety of the Towers.' Author: Pike Date: Mon Jan 11 02:04:21 2010 Subject A Master starts his true vocation, part two, part two Pike asks 'So I can't trust someone like Jenderon outside of here?' Versivius says 'I'd be very wary around a mage as powerful as him.' Pike says 'I'll stay far away from him then.' Versivius says 'It is only during times of war and strife that we really need to mistrust the other mages but always be on your guard when you leave the safety of the Towers.' Pike says 'Otherwise we have a truce then.' Versivius says 'Yes, there is a truce of sorts or the whole structure of the conclave would be pulled apart by petty bickering.' Pike says 'Okay.' Versivius says 'It's one of the reasons they encourage mages of differing robes to take apprentices from other robes. To help build a foundation of trust between mages.' Pike asks 'Apprentices are the links then?' Versivius says 'Not as such but when you have worked closely with other mages of another robe colour you come to understand why and how they do things.' Pike says 'Gotcha.' Versivius asks 'Have you got enough information to go and do some research on these matters?' Pike says 'Yes.' Pike says 'Thank you Master.' Versivius says 'Next time we can discuss those mages who don't wish to be member of the conclave and the ways in which we track them down and deal with them.' Pike says 'Good.' Versivius says 'Good luck with your studies young apprentice. I will talk to Lynx about promoting you to Adept know that you have mastered the basics and are learning more about the structures.' Pike says 'Thank you Master' Pike stands up. Versivius stand and escort Pike to the door. Author: Pike Date: Tue Jan 12 07:00:03 2010 Subject The New Drive to Excel While I was waiting for me to be ready for Versivius, my master, to say that I was ready for my apprentice test, I found most of my drive to excel in my studies once again. The Conclave Academy was harder than I thought, (I was passing, but not with flying colors) I guess I was used to my teachers not trying to challenge me. Versivius was hard on my ass; he made me sit down and study. He would also have me practice my spells on the dummy that they have (I felt like an idiot attacking a dummy) and in the end, it helped with my attack and my spells, I could hit a moving target more easily and it did more damage. Sometimes Versivius and I had private lessons; that helped me get some of my drive back. He helped me find my passions, goals, and he helped me find a way to memorize important facts, it requires a long lost spell that only Versivius and I share. I admit that once while Versivius was gone, I had a kegger, but who hasnt had one? I was drunk, but he did not find out (Dont tell him about it). I still need to find some of my drive, but thanks to Versivius, I have started to get it back. Author: Pike Date: Wed Jan 20 20:14:33 2010 Subject Spell Check meeting place Versivius says 'Lets go on a field trip.' Pike asks 'Where Master?' Versivius says 'Deep within Wyvern Forest.' Pike looks puzzled. Pike says 'Alright, see you there.' Pike bows. Versivius escorts Pike to the door. ---===Deep within Wyvern Forest===--- Master Versivius stands here patiently. Pike bows. Versivius says 'Im guessing youre wondering why we are here.' Pike says 'I am Master.' Versivius says 'We are here so I can determine if you are ready for your test.' Pikes face lit up at the mentioning of THE test. Versivius says 'I will see how strong your spells are. I will know if you did a half-ass job on your studies.' To be continued in next story. Author: Pike Date: Thu Jan 21 07:38:18 2010 Subject meeting place Versivius says 'Lets go on a field trip.' Pike asks 'Where Master.' Versivius says 'Deep within Wyvern Forest.' Pike looks puzzled. Pike says 'Alright, see you there.' Pike bows. Versivius escorts Pike to the door. ---===Deep within Wyvern Forest===--- Master Versivius stands here patiently. Pike bows. Versivius says 'I'm guessing you're wondering why we are here.' Pike says 'I am, Master.' Versivius says 'We are here so I can determine if you are ready for your test.' Pikes face lit up at the mentioning of THE test. Versivius says 'I will see how strong your spells are. I will know if you did a half-ass job on your studies.' To be continued in next story. Author: Pike Date: Thu Jan 21 07:39:02 2010 Subject lowering a violent criminal awaiting execution Versivius says 'First of all, when I say a spell name, you cast it. Got it.' Pike says 'Yes Master.' Versivius says 'Lets start with Summoning a violent criminal awaiting execution.' A violent criminal awaiting execution suddenly arrives. A violent criminal awaiting execution appears frightened. Pike is really confident about this test. Versivius says 'Sleep.' A violent criminal awaiting execution goes to sleep. Versivius says 'Make your self invisible.' Pike fades out of existence. Versivius says 'Visible.' Someone asks 'Huh.' ... Someone chuckles and fades into view. Versivius says 'Weaken.' A violent criminal awaiting execution looks tired and weak. Versivius says 'Slow.' A violent criminal awaiting execution starts to move in slow motion. Versivius says 'Blind.' A violent criminal awaiting execution appears to be blinded. Pike says 'Come here boy.' Pike laughs. Versivius says 'Plague.' A violent criminal awaiting execution screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin. To be continued in next story. Author: Pike Date: Thu Jan 21 07:39:24 2010 Subject spellups Versivius says 'Armor.' Pike pulls a link of chainmail from his pouch. The link expands into a glowing armor shell, bonding to Pike! Versivius says 'Fly.' Pik.'s feet rise off the ground. Pike wants to fly about the room but restrains himself. Versivius says 'Giant strength.' Pik.'s muscles surge with heightened power! Pike flexes his HUGE muscles! Versivius says 'Haste.' Pike feels himself moving more quickly. Pike wants to run around room but he knows that will get him into trouble. Versivius says 'Sanctuary.' Pike is surrounded by a white aura. The last spell made Pike feel a little tired. To be continued in next story. Author: Pike Date: Thu Jan 21 07:40:03 2010 Subject non/combat skills Versivius says 'Now, im thirsty and hungry.' Pike and Versivius feels satiated! Versivius says 'I want you to scry me.' Versivius steps through a gate. Versivius feels Pike's presence in the room. Versivius arives through a gate. Versivius gives Pike a thieves cloak. Versivius says 'Find something special about it.' Pike identifies it. Pike says 'It has a hidden pocket.' Versivius says 'Locate a colorful body pilow.' Pike says 'One is in The Children's Section, in the vicinity of Palanthas.' Versivius points to a violent criminal awaiting execution and says 'All of your atack spells.' Pike says REALLY FAST 'magic missile', 'chill touch', 'burning hands', 'shocking grasp', 'lightning bolt', 'colour spray', 'grease', 'fireball', 'energy drain', 'acid blast', 'chain lightning', 'prismatic spray', and 'web'. Pike falls to the ground in exhaustion. They all hit a violent criminal awaiting execution and a violent criminal awaiting execution failed to exist anymore. Versivius says 'Good job, you have passed the spell check. You are ready for your test.' Author: Pike Date: Thu Feb 11 05:49:26 2010 Subject Test Part 1 Someone knocks. Versivius says 'Enter.' Pike enters the room. Pike bow deeply. Pike says 'You wanted to see me master?' Versivius says 'Welcome apprentice. I have good news for you.' Pike asks 'Yes?' Versivius says 'The High Archmages are awaiting us in the hall of testing.' Versivius says 'We had better not keep them waiting.' Pike asks 'Shall we meet them there?' Versivius stands gathering his staff and checking that his robe is neat and presentable. Pike makes sure he is also presentable. Versivius without checking if Pike is following and make haste to the testing chamber. Pike follows his master. Versivius says 'Before we go in I must warn you that from here on in you are on your own. The choices you make will affect the robe you wear once this is over.' Pike says 'Okay master.' Versivius says 'Also know this, the what happens in the test is real. If you die while taking the test there is nothing that can be done but bury your body with all those that have failed before you.' Pike says 'Yes sir. I won't disappoint you.' Versivius says 'If you have any last questions Pike now is the time to ask.' Pike asks 'Do you think that i will pass with all that you have taught me master?' Versivius says 'You would not be here if I didn't think you were ready. Only you can fail or pass the test now.' Pike nod. Pike says 'Thank you master for the encouragement.' Versivius knocks on the doors and waits until he hears three voices as one command them to enter. Versivius opening the door he beckons Pike to go in. Pike walks in the room. The Hall of Mages! The room in which you stand looks kind of blank. It has very little furniture, but it does have three chairs. The three chairs look as though they are meant for some people of great importance. This room has six pillars; three on each side. Each pillar on each side has a different color. In order from front to back: white, red, and black. This room looks as though it holds some of the strongest magic that is known of. It has an eerie look to it... like it has transformed many of times before. [Exits: door] The three high Archmages are here waiting. Master Versivius enters the room. To be continued Author: Pike Date: Thu Feb 11 05:50:29 2010 Subject Test Part 2 Versivius follows his apprentice and to the Three awaiting High Archmages says. Versivius says 'I bring my Apprentice Pike to take the test of High Sorcery and I Versivius and here as witness.' Pike bows to the Three High Archmages. Three voices speak out 'Let him take the test and prove his worth to the moons.' Pike stands there patiently. The room spins and Pike finds himself standing in the Courtyard of and old keep. Pike look around. The Court guard says 'Follow me please Magus, Lord Ulshan wishes to speak with you now.' Pike follows a court guard. The guard leads Pike into and audience chamber where a group of warriors await and the Lord sits on his throne. Pike bows to lord Ulshan. Pike asks 'Yes my lord?' Lord Ulshan says 'Welcome Magus Pike.' Pike kisses Lord Ulshan's hand. Lord Ulshan says 'Pike do me a great honor by bowing before a humble nobles such as myself.' Pike says 'You are higher up in ranking my lord.' A look of surprise passes Lord Ulshan's face but he continues unperturbed. Lord Ulshan says 'I have need of your services magus Pike.' Pike asks 'What is it my lord?' Lord Ulshan says 'It has come to my attention that our family once owned a very powerful blade, it was lost when my great great grandfather died in battle fighting a Draconian of considerable might.' Pike asks 'What is the name of this great blade?' Lord Ulshan says 'I cannot tell you it's name but from the records and journals I have pieced together i can tell you what it looks like.' Pike asks 'Then what does it look like?' Lord Ulshan says 'It was a longsword with a Platinum hilt and a large ruby was set in the hilt.' Pike asks 'Let me guess, you want me to retrieve it? Correct? No?' Lord Ulshan Instructs the guard next to him to take you to the sketch he has of the blade. Lord Ulshan says 'Yes I would like you to take a group of my finest warriors and my cousin Ernoth with you for protection.' To be continued. Author: Pike Date: Thu Feb 11 05:51:18 2010 Subject Test Part 3 Pike says 'Yes sir.' Lord Ulshan beckons for Ernoth and the warriors to come forward. Pike beckons for them to follow him. Lord Ulshen says 'Magus Pike, It is good to know that we will have a mage with us on this quest.' Pike nod. The other warriors don't look quite as convinced. Pike says 'I will keep you all out of harms way just like how you are supposed to with me.' Lord Ulshan says 'I hope you can return with it soon as I would like to send my eldest son off with it to help in the coming war.' Pike says 'You will have plenty more time then you think with him.' Lord Ulshan says 'If you need somewhere quite to prepare your spells of location and traveling there is a court yard to the south of here.' Pike says 'Yes sir. I will.' To the south is a beautiful courtyard with a large lilly pond perfect for scrying. Pike goes south. As Pike stares into the pond and concentrates on the image of the sword the location becomes clearer. An image of a dark cave appears in the water and in the cave is a skeleton holding the sword described and shown in the pictures. Pike feels like there is more to this than just retrieving it. Pike creates a nexus to the skeleton that he saw in the pond. Pike puts spellups on the guards and Ernoth. Pike then spell ups himself. Looking through the Nexus Pike see a dark cave but no sign of the skeleton but is sure the spell worked correctly. Pike orders the guards to check it out. The guards baulk at going through first but Ernoth feeling brave steps through the strange gate beckoning the other warriors to follow. Pike follows the warriors through. To be continued. Author: Pike Date: Thu Feb 11 05:53:08 2010 Subject Test Part 4 Pike finds himself self in a dark cave with what seems like no roof and no walls. darkness encompasses everyone. Pike cast continual light. the light flares up in the darkness and yet the ceiling is still hidden and the walls of the cave are still out of sight. this cave is very large. Pike has people split up and look for something useful. A chittering and scurrying of claws feet can be heard approaching as the warriors prepare to split into groups. Pike adknowledge the sound and tells the others to watch out. Glowing red beetles scurry out of the dark towards you. A blast of heat precedes them. Pike yells for them to get out of the way and pike jumps out of the way also. Pike casts flameshield on the group. Pike focuses flood waters towards the beetles. The warriors look around for cover and realize there is none and so form a defensive line while you attempt to protect them from fir. Before the beetles can reach the warriors in front of him the waters that Pike called forth engulf the beetles causes them to explode as their fiery hot bodies are enveloped in water. Pike nods to the group and says 'I think it might be safe now. The warriors are visibly shaken by the beetle attack. Ernoth seems to be unphased by the attack and seems to be scanning the darkness. Pike also scans the darkness. Ernoth says 'I think I hear the sound of running water that way.' Pike says 'point the direction.' Ernoth points away from where the beetles came from. Pike cautiously goes in the direction Ernoth pointed to. Author: Pike Date: Thu Feb 11 05:55:06 2010 Subject Test Part 5 Pike urges the group to follow him. The warriors take up a defensive position behind Pike and Ernoth and allow them to lead into the darkness. After what seems like eternity the sound of rushing water becomes clearer and almost deafening. t he wall of the cave is now visible and it seems to be quite smooth as if cut away by water. Pike gets ready for anything and casts iceshield on them. Pike casts faerie fog. A large under ground river rushes before you and the remains of a stone bridge lie in pieces on either side. Pike casts mass fly on the group. The fearie fog called forth by Pike seems to reveal no hidden enemies and casting fly on the warriors Pike soon has everyone on the other side. Pike look around. A tunnel leads into the side of the cave. Pike enters the tunnel cautiously. Following the tunnel, which is wide enough for a minotaur, leads the group further into the mountain. Pike casts earthshield on the group. Pike casts truesight on himself. Moving forward cautiously the group heads into the mountain. Pike continues to look around. The tunnel widens slightly and then after turning a sharp corner comes out into a room with the skeleton Pike saw earlier. The skeleton seems to be patrolling the far entrance to a second tunnel. To be continued. Author: Pike Date: Thu Feb 11 05:56:17 2010 Subject Test Part 6 Pike casts sleep on the skeleton. The skeleton reacts to the magic in a most unexpected way... It charges towards Pike it's mouth open in a battle cry but with no lungs it's a quite battle cry. Pike casts magic missile. Having closed the gap between itself and the mage while he attempts to cast spells it takes a swipe at Ernoth with the sword. An aura of pure terror emanates from the skeleton and the lesser warriors turn and flee back down the passage leaving Pike and Ernoth to face it alone. Pike didn't ever believe the warriors would of made it anyway. The skeleton grazes Ernoth. Pike lets off a volley of magical arrows. The volley pounds into the skeleton smashing bits of bone off of it but it screams again silently and attacks again. Ernoth manages to parry the attack and counters with an attack of his own. Unfortunately it is just a glancing blow. Pike casts magic missile. The missiles thud into the skeleton and once again it howls silently. The skeleton forgets about the warrior and instead swings at the mage that is damaging it. Pike manages to block the blow with his dagger but staggers back from the energy unleashed by the sword. Still realing from the blast of magical energy Pike barely manages to get any power into the missiles. The skeleton seems to get a wild look in it's eyes and lunges forward. Crackling with energy now the sword slices clean through Pikes ear as he attempts to duck out of the way. Pike casts acid blast. Pike raises his hand and a blast of acid strikes the skeleton warrior in the chest completely obliterating it. The sword falls to the ground with a clatter. The holy energy in the sword shocks pike as he attempts to pick the sword up. Pike has Ernoth pick up the sword. Ernoth screams in agony as he attempts to pick up the blade. Pike uses conceal alignment and tries to pick up the sword. The sword is a lot heavier than Pike had expected it to be but is truly an item of great beauty. Pike examines the sword. It is a well crafted sword with a platinum handle with a large ruby in the pummel. Pike creates a nexus to the pond. Try as hard as he might the young mage is unable to create a portal in this room. Pike retraces his steps to the nexus he first created. To be continued. Author: Pike Date: Thu Feb 11 05:57:09 2010 Subject Test Part 7 Along the way you find the warriors now having calmed down waiting for you and enroth. Pike tells the guards 'Is this what you are looking for?' Pike presents the guards with the sword. The warriors get a crazed glint in their eyes and Pike feels that something is horribly wrong. The warriors look to Ernoth and then draw their swords and attack. Pike uses sleep on one of the guards. One of the unfortunate warriors falls into a deep slumber but the other 3 attack. Pike easily side steps the attacks. Ernoth still behind you launches an attack on your unprotected back. Pike is completely surprised as he feels a dagger stabbed into the small of his back luckily missing any major organs. Pike casts corpse visage. Pike manages to keep the warriors at bay. Ernoth once again manages to stab Pike in the back but this hits a major organ and Pike screams in agony. Pike turns arpund where he can see everyone and casts chain lightning. Lightning arcs from Pike through the warriors and into Ernoth and back again through the warriors and among screams agony all but Ernoth fall to the ground. Ernoth yells 'Blasted mage why won't you just die!' Pike yells 'DO YOU REALLY WANT THIS? I CAN HURT YOU REAL BAD IF YOU WANT!' Ernoth is still twitching from the last lightning bolt but still almost manages to break through Pikes defense. Pike casts web at Ernoth. A thick sticky web envelops Enroth. Pike casts magic missile. Ernoth struggles in vane to free himself and screams in agony as the magic missiles hit him. Enroth slumps in the web but cannot fall to the ground as he is held by the webs. Pike casts fire breath. The web is engulfed in flame and the corpse of Enroth is set ablaze too. Pike says 'There's no such thing as overkill!' Pike slits the sleeping guard's throat. Pike looks around at the dead bodies surrounding him. To be continued. Author: Pike Date: Thu Feb 11 06:00:32 2010 Subject Test Part 7 Pike goes through the nexus to the pond. The nexus closes behind Pike as he steps back into the courtyard. Things look different now. The pond is scummy not clean and the walls are cracked and broken in places. Pike casts invisibility on himself and looks for signs of life. the invisibility spells does nothing to alleviate the sudden feeling of being closely watched and out of the wall a spectre looms A Ghastly Spectre says 'I see that incompetent fool is sent kill you once had the sword has failed. Well this way I get to drain your life energy personally' Pike tries to gate to the same room he was last in. As hards as he tries the gate spell seems to be blocked by some magical force... Pike asks 'What do you want spectre?' A Ghastly spectre says 'You won't escape that easily foolish magus.' Pike asks 'You want the sword?' Pike says 'Ill make you a bargain for it.' A ghastly spectre says 'I'll be able to take that from your corpse once I've drained all the life from you.' Heedles of Pikes attempts to bargain the Spectre lunges at Pike. Pike shivers as he feels some of his life energy being drained away. Pike casts energy drain. The spectre moves swiftly from Pikes reach and screams in glee. Pike manages to dodge this strike. Pike casts energy drain. Pike once again misses as the spectre quickly dodges and counter attacks. But pike once again moves clear of it's sickly grasp. Pike casts energy drain. Pike screams in agony as the negative energy feeds back into him from the spectre. The ghastly spectre screams in glee as it feels rejuvenated by the young mage's spell and says 'Ahh you seem to want to die.' Pike casts thunderstorm. Lightning crashes down all around the court yard causing bits of wall to fall and strike the spectre. The blasts of lightning also lay waist to the spectre itself and it screams as it dissipates. The room of the test fades back into view.

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He states simply 'You might start with that one.. or you could take a look at the latest story..'

The Latest Entry

Revelation by Paraske, posted on Sun Jun 9 10:01:11 2024.

A week later, the fishers pulled up there nets and didn't touch them again. When Paraske asked why, they answered, "No (read more)....

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z





Astinus says 'There are 17 authors starting with the letter P who have stories in the Palanthas library.'