The Great Library of Palanthas

Astinus' Office

Dominating the center of this room is a massive birch desk. Legend claims this desk has supported the thousands of volumes of history Astinus has recorded. A large pot of ink, a container of sharpened quills, and a candelabra complete the desks decorations. Small windows line the room, allowing light to trickle in and gently illuminate the entire room. A comfortable couch rests against the west wall. Tapestries hang on the walls between the windows. Shelves line the walls, filled with tomes of the more recent records of heroes and villians upon the face of Krynn.

The librarian notices you aren't reading anything... Astinus hands a dirty book showing much wear to an Aesthetic standing by you. You note the spine bears the word 'Dartanioo' scribed in dark purple ink. As you glance down at the page you read..

From the pages of Dartanioo's book..

Author: Dartanioo Date: Tue Jun 19 19:28:18 2018 Subject Missed Supper

The Cozy Hearth Inn was bustling with travellers preparing for evening supper. Dartanioo had just arrived in the center of the inn anticipating his next meal and adventure. Dartanioo asked the waitress "Hi! I would like to order whatever that fat human is having over there plus what the dumb looking dwarf is having". The waitress giggled and nodded with a smile. The dwarf and the human stood up and marched toward Dartanioo. The dwarf nudged Dartanioo and asked "Ye ken say that to me face again". Dartanioo replied "Oh, hello Mister dumb looking dwarf and Mister fat human, I would like to order the same food you are both eating! Does it taste good?" The dwarf looked at his human companion and nodded. The human and dwarf both grab Dartanioo by his arms and legs and begin to walk out the Cozy Inn. Dartanioo laughs and says "Hey, where are we going?! Hopefully not to see your wives!" The door was wide open for the companions to throw Dartanioo out. Just as the dwarf and human were about to throw Dartanioo out of the Inn, the ground suddenly shivered and rainbow lights briefly sweeped across the sky. Dartanioo used the distraction to take the dwarf's money satchel and flee the scene. Dartanioo hastily ran towards the Three Moon Transportation area and took a sharp right and entered the portal to Kalaman. Once through the portal, Dartanio ran to the west in hopes of losing the companions. Once Dartanioo caught his breathe, he began to notice the ground still shivering and strange lights to the west. "Ooo, a new adventure" Dartanioo exclaimed! Further down the road, Dartanioo sees a translucent gnome with waves of lightning arcing through it walking ahead of him looking down at something. After catching up to the gnome's pace, Dartanioo sees that the gnome is fiddling with a device. "Ooo, a ghost lightning device!" Dartanioo thinks to himself. The gnome looks up and says "Hellothere! MynameisGnimsh...Ithink?...andIfoundapieceofthiswonderousdevice. WouldyouholdontoitformewhileIlookfortheotherpieces?'" Dartanioo nods in hopes the gnome will give him the device which will give him this great appearance. Gnimsh exclaims "Fantastic! Iamgoingtogolookingformorepieces. KeepaneyeoutformeandIllgiveouwhateverelseIfind!'" and throws Dartanioo the device. Dartanioo peers inside the golden cap-like looking device encrusted with gems and sees fine threads along the inside allowing it to rotate. Standing there shocked, Dartanioo thinks to himself "Hmm, well that was interesting. Time to go find supper!". He puts the device into his creel and walks back to Kalaman looking for his next adventure.

Author: Dartanioo Date: Thu Jun 21 14:38:04 2018 Subject Missed Ale

The streets of Stone Rose were in their daily transition from the daytime shopping to nighttime entertainment. Jasim, Stones, and Dartanioo decided to gather up and see what kind of adventure they could muster up from this small village. They all decided to go to the local inn for a pitcher of Stone Rose ale. As the group was veering right at the T-intersection before the Sand and Stone Inn, Jasim stopped and tried to steer the group to the correct path. "I think the Inn is to the left, not the right". Dartanioo laughed and said "No it's definitely this way!!" As the trio's walk ended at set of gates on a shattered wall, two guards in black garments blocked their path and sheathed their weapons. The guards looked at each other and began laughing as they put their weapons back into their sheaths. "Hahaha what is a scrawny Kender and two humans doing around here?" Dartanioo quickly moved in front of the trio and yelled "Stone Rose Ale!" The two guards laughed again and pointed behind the trio and said the Inn is that way and the gym is to the right. Dartanioo sneered at the two guards and muttered under his breath "thanks fatso maybe you should lay off ale some yourself and walked away. Both guards sheathed their weapons and attacked Dartanioo. Jasim quickly noticed the two guards approaching and muttered an incantation to make Dartanioo's skin as hard as stone. Both guards' swords lashed out as Dartanioo's exposed back but Dartanioo quickly jumped away only receiving slight nicks to his newly formed stone skin. Stones, Jasim, and Dartanioo then quickly looked at each other and nodded. Stones rushed at one of the guards and unleashed a fury of punches to quickly knock him back. Jasim cast a flurry of magic missiles to distract the other as Dartanioo rushed at him with his mace. Right as Dartanioo's mace was about to connect with the guard's chest, the ground began to shiver and a spatter of rainbow lights shown from the sky. Jasim and Dartanioo looked at each other with a familiar competitive glance and both chanted incantations to recall. Stones, engaged with fighting one of the two guards, quickly glances over and sees that both his companions have fled. "Those #@$@$#$... So much for the ale" Stones muttered as he knocked both guards to the ground to retreat from the scene. Dartanioo was familiar with the ground shivering and the rainbow lights. A few days earlier, he had found a strange gnome that looked like a lightning ghost playing with a strange device. This gnome had given Dartanioo one of its pieces and went off to find more without explaining what was going on. He had heard of three other pieces being found by Nethaxion, Rattlepot, and Jasim but none of them had any idea on what was going on. As Dartanioo emerged from his gate, he scryed the whereabouts on where Gnimsh could be. Gnimsh looked to be at a mercenary camp in Southern Abanasinia. Dartanioo muttered an incantation and teleported to the camp having been familiar with its whereabouts. As Dartanioo appeared, multiple hobgoblins and humans looked at him as if he was an intruder and Dartanioo quickly left the scene. Outside of the camp, Dartanioo could hear energy crackling in the distance. He ran south in hopes to find Gnimsh again although the sound diminished faster than Dartanioo could run towards it. Within less than a minute, Dartanioo could not hear the sound anymore and he decided to scry again. Gnimsh appeared to be in Bloten now! Dartanioo quickly entered the Three Moon Transports and entered the Bloten portal. After emerging into the ogre village, Dartanioo heard the lightning coming from the southwest. He quickly ran towards Mornag's tower and found Gnimsh. Gnimsh repeated the exact same story that he had told Dartanioo offering a piece of a wonderous device. Dartanioo asked if Gnimsh remembered him but Gnimsh looked at him with blank stare. Dartanioo agreed to help Gnimsh and Gnimsh gave Dartanioo a different part of the device than he had received the day prior. Like before, Gnimsh vanished after giving Dartanioo the device. Dartanioo looked at the new piece of the device puzzle. It appeared to be half of a crystal sphere.

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He states simply 'You might start with that one.. or you could take a look at the latest story..'

The Latest Entry

Thaen Stormbourne #6 part 2 by Thaen, posted on Sun Oct 6 14:29:56 2024.

Wyldsheed also noticed he had put on some bulk to his already large frame since he began training with her. She chuckled(read more)....

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z





Astinus says 'There are 61 authors starting with the letter D who have stories in the Palanthas library.'