The Great Library of Palanthas

Astinus' Office

Dominating the center of this room is a massive birch desk. Legend claims this desk has supported the thousands of volumes of history Astinus has recorded. A large pot of ink, a container of sharpened quills, and a candelabra complete the desks decorations. Small windows line the room, allowing light to trickle in and gently illuminate the entire room. A comfortable couch rests against the west wall. Tapestries hang on the walls between the windows. Shelves line the walls, filled with tomes of the more recent records of heroes and villians upon the face of Krynn.

The librarian notices you aren't reading anything... Astinus hands a metal bound tome to an Aesthetic standing by you. You note the spine bears the word 'Xiaofei' scribed in brilliant red ink. As you glance down at the page you read..

From the pages of Xiaofei's book..

Author: Xiaofei Date: Wed Sep 27 15:08:48 2017 Subject Xiaofei al-Marad

250 AC. As the world struggles to pull itself from the chaos sowed by the Cataclysm, members of every race seek a way home. Dwarves outside their mountain homes continue to search for a way inside. Humans of all nations seek to restore order and find what "home" means. Elven travellers, long finding themselves persecuted outside their sacred homes, journey back. From this last group, a family of Qualinesti seek to return home, their newborn daughter finally well enough to travel. They had been part of an expedition to restore relations between Qualinost and Silvanost - an expedition that had failed. They travel with caravans or sell what few priceless trinkets they have to pay for protection, but going is slow. Their daughter spends her infant years on the road. As she is beginning to walk, her parents are betrayed by another family. A Khurish family of mercenaries, the al-Marads coveted the elven family's concealed wealth and killed them for it. They were unable, however, to kill the elven baby and decided to raise it as their own. But to elves, humans are short lived and by the time the elf, Xiaofei, showed the first signs of adulthood, she had been through 5 al-Marad fathers. She had brought increasingly wise council and skill and was each father's favorite. She learned Khurish mercenary life: fighting mounted when the family could afford it, they usually relied on stealth and speed while on foot. But the Khurish tribes were uniting under the leadership of a Salah-Khan. Reports were that pay and accomodations were good. More importantly, something within pushed Xiaofei to enlist. Some deep and buried spark that she hadn't felt before. She would see how true the stories of this Dragonarmy were.

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He states simply 'You might start with that one.. or you could take a look at the latest story..'

The Latest Entry

Through the Fog, Pt. 2 by Ralas, posted on Wed Sep 18 20:45:23 2024.

Though he did acquire basic survival skills and some ability with healing, the elders still viewed him with concern. Ra(read more)....

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z





Astinus says 'There are 14 authors starting with the letter X who have stories in the Palanthas library.'