The Great Library of Palanthas
An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.
Stories of Ansalon from the view of Ashton.
A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)
Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a metal bound tome encrusted with jewels on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Ashton' scribed in earth-colored grey ink.
Author: Ashton Date Sat Dec 22 23:11:20 2001 Subject Welcome to Krynn, please check your luggage Walking through the hallway, Ashton sees a doorway ahead, the arches of which are inscribed with runes and nods to himself This is where that Thayvian's room must be.. Raising his holy symbol of Torm, a gauntlet, to his lips and kissing it he says a quick prayer for protection and draws his great sword and screams FOR TORM! and charges into the door with his shoulder. His world erupts into light. Light that screams in his ears songs of violence. Sound that threaten to blind him with thier color, and above all, a tearing away that almost crushes him He is still screaming his war cry when vision returns and he sees himself in a wooded glade, three goblins looking at him in fear, weapons clasped to thier chests. Under his feet he feels rocks and dirt...he looks down and realizes he is naked. His armor, clothes, boots, pouches, all gone. Risking a glance above his head where, just a moment ago his sword was, he sees nothing but empty air. Then Ashton looks back to the goblins, recovered from the shock and advancing. Torm protect me and give me strength the young paladin murmers before reaching down and grabing a large tree branch. From his left emerges a fourth player in this confusion. This one a human with armor and sword. Leave him be. the man warns. When they decide to attack him instead, he obliges and wounds the leg of the first, which Ashton kills with his log, and drives his sword into the gut of the second. The third runs before he follows his friends examples. Well met sir, and thank you for the aid, but forgive me if I dont shake hands, being naked and all. My name is Ashton. You? The warrior cleans the blood from his blade and sheaths it saying Mandro. here, wear this and tosses Ashton his cloak. Wrapping himself, Ashton looks around and asks Would you mind telling me where I am? Last I knew I was in a mages tower with my friends and then I was here naked. Mage huh? That explains much with thier weird ways. You are on the east side of Palanthas Palanthas? I have never heard of it. Is it a small farm village? Palanthas is the greatest town on Krynn the warrior says, amazed at Ashtons ignorance. Krynn..You say taht as if it was a separate world, not a country. Where is this krynn? On the east side of Aber-Toril? Or has that wizard flung me to another continent. Am I in Rashaman..I have heard of it before.. Picking up some dirt the warrior looks back at the paladin. This is Krynn..this world is Krynn. Ashton looks shocked and murmers a prayer to Torm Another world....Have you ever heard of one named Torm the True? Mandro shakes his head. I have never heard of the man or a name like that Now it is Ashtons turn to gape. Torm is a god...not a have never..shaking his head in disbelief Stuck on a strange world with no guidance from Torm.. Could you take me to this palanthas...maybe I can find a mage to send me back.. Yes..I can take you there, it is a great city with everything that a person could want. You should find a mage there. Ashton begins the walk towards the City of Palanthas and his new life on Krynn. Author: Ashton Date Sun Dec 23 16:00:59 2001 Subject Adjusting to life on Krynn Ashton handed a small pouch to the smith, laying it in his black soot covered hands. Thank you Master Smith. You did a marvellous job of it, better than my last one, truth be told! The young man said as he tied a loop onto the newly forged symbol of an upraised gauntlet, Torm's holy symbol. In the pouch you will find a little extra, for being so swift and precise. Ashton shot the man a quick grin. Twer nothin' really.. The smith said, his voice a tinged with embarrasment at such high praise Jus' a little hammerin', coulda been done by anyone who knew enough to not smash his own thumbs The paladin smiled at such humbleness Perhaps, but it wouldnt be near this good. Nontheless, you will see me again, I seem to be needing a new set of armor and now I know just the fellow to make it for me. Nodding his thanks and a goodbye, Ashton stepped out of the mans smithy, leaving him there with his mouth agape. I aint made no armor before... Out in the street again, Ashton scanned around for a second before heading down the street. It had been month since his arrival, which thinking about always brought him a chuckle. Magically appearing infront of 3 goblins, warcry on his lips, and no clothes on his back would make anyone laugh in retrospect. He hadnt been idle in his with his time either. He had spent the first few days with Mandro, who was so kind as to buy him a pair of rough pants, a shirt, and boots and show him around the City a little before leaving. He still got lost occasionally, Mandro was right when he said Palanthas was huge, it could probably rival Waterdeep for size. But with such a large city there was plenty to keep a soul busy. Every morning he would get up, pray to Torm and go through the rituals, though he still wasnt blessed with spells. Then he would go and wash his face and fix his hair, which would be sticking up from sleep like it did every morning. After a large breakfast he would go to work driving the wagon around Palanthas and delivering cloth to the various clothing shops, bags of flour to the kitches, and iron to the farriers. That was actually how he had met the smith who made the Holy Symbol for him. He had a shipment of iron ore for the man, which would be made into fancy gates for a local nobel, which Ashton would also deliver. That was pretty much his day until around 4 or so in the evening and he enjoyed it. Then he would take the wagon back to his bosses shop and hand him the chest full of payments for the deliveries. It never occured to the young man that if he simply ran off with the chest he would have enough gold and steel to buy his armor, sword, and a rather nice house. Such a thing was below thought and shame Ashton if he had even thought of it. Men who would do acts like that were honorless dogs. But the evenings were his to do with as he pleased. Normally he would spend them roaving the city asking for information about mages. However of late he had done this less and less and spent more and more time in prayer to his god and trying to figure out how he could get enough money to buy a sword and armor to replace what he had lost. So far all he had managed to do was procur himself a small dagger, the blade was barely the length of his hand, and his holy symbol. As he walked along, something intruded upon his thoughts. He stopped and thought for a second trying to figure out what had interrupted him. Then down the alley to his right, he heard a muffled scream. (To be continued) Author: Ashton Date Sun Dec 23 16:50:45 2001 Subject Honorless dogs Ashton looked around to see if there was anyone around, for he had noticed that you could often find knights or guards roaming the street. This time there was nothing in sight though. Uttering a quick prayer to Torm the paladin set his hand on his dagger and walked down the alleyway Hello? Is someone hurt here? As he came around a corner he saw a young woman being accosted by a thug. A righteous fury boiled up inside of the paladin. Leave her be cur, and I will ask the magistrate to be lenient with you. Touch her again and face my wrath. The voice that normally held a soft almost musical quality was now sounded like a sword being drawn. The thug spun around a knowing smile replacing the worry that was one his face. Lenient? Ya really think that you'll be takin' me to the magistrate? Yer wrong misstah, dead wrong The womans shriek was all the warning Ashton had, it was barely enough. He stepped to the right just as a sword, aimed at his back, went through his left shoulder instead. Face contorted with pain, the paladin saw the thug infront of him pull a dagger with each hand and spring at him, ready to deliver the death blow. Gritting his teeth, the young man lurched forward, pulling the sword from his shoulder and spun to the side and backed away. He had two thugs infront of him, working thier way to his sides trying to flank him. This isnt good I have to keep them from getting on my sides. Ashton thought. Pulling his dagger with his right arm he charged the man with the sword, desparate to keep them from flanking him. Ashton stabbed at the mans stomach in a feint, and the man obliged and parried with his sword. Screaming to block the pain, the paladins left hook caught the man in the jaw and stunned him enough to drop the sword which the paladin immeadiatly scooped up, favoring it over a knife. Ashton whirled around, sword leading, to face the knife weilding thug just as he danced to the side, cutting the paladins cheek with a misplaced blow. He felt the warm blood stream down his face and gave a quick slash at the mans stomach, making him jump back. Quick as he could, Ashton spun back around and slammed the pommel of his sword into the disarmed thugs head, knocking him unconscious, then spun back to face the knife weilder again. This time the thug attacked, leading with his left blade which the paladin side stepped. I dont want to have to kill you dog. Put down the knives and just come with me. The thug just sneered and answered by kicking a cloud of dirt at Ashton. He closed his eyes to keep them clear of dust and rolled to his left, hoping the thug always led with his left blade. As he came out of his roll he saw the thug charging him. Just as the thug drew near, the paladin took a half step left, dropped to his knee and drew his sword in an arc. Ashton didnt need to see the blade hit home. The sudden resistance in his swing told him as surely as the twin thuds of knives hitting the ground. Shaking his head in wonder, Ashton wiped the sword blade on the dead thugs clothing and walked over to the woman who was crying, her bodice torn down. Taking off his shirt and handing it to her he said Its not very clean..bloody as it is, but it will cover you. Turning his back as the woman pulled on his stained shirt he walked over to the unconscious thug and hefted him onto his good shoulder. Would you like to come to the magistrate with me to give testimony? The woman simply nodded and they walked toward the palace. Author: Ashton Date Fri Jan 4 13:44:59 2002 Subject My history Ashton was born in the Year of the Bitter Water, 1354, to a local lord and noble near Ashabenford in the region of Mistledale. His father, Vincent, had been a Paladin of Torm and won his nobility and land during a battle with a small drow army who had made plans for the resettlement of abandoned elven forests of Cormanthyr. Ashton's mother, Julie, was the perfect Lady of the Manor, and kept the servants busy and children fed. Ashton lead a perfectly happy childhood with many friends and few worries. When he was 12 he was sent to one of his fathers friend's manor near Shadowdale and began his training as the mans squire. Raolin too, was a paladin of Torm, and was a firm believer in the obediance part of Torms teachings. So, when Ashton arrived, Raolin dismissed many of his grooms, servants, and landkeepers, and thus was Ashtons day full. He would do much of the household work, "to give him character and teach him the value of work" and then they would train. The training was anything from chess or draughts to practicing with weapons to reciting the dogma of Torm. However, 5 years later it all paid off and Ashton was sent to the Church of Torm to truly become the paladin he had always longed to be. A short year later, he was out in the world, burning with desire to do Torms bidding, and he found it with a small adventuring party. They were in a local tavern when they heard of a keep that had, until recently, been abandonned. Now, there were reports of a man with deep red robes and a tattooed head seen in the area as well as a sudden rise in the undead population. It was too great of a chance. A wizard, possibly a Red Wizard of Thay, was out and about and they were going to do something about it. It all went well for the most part, until Ashton and the mage split off from the cleric and barbarian to explore a side hallway, and then the Ashton left the mage studying the walls to roam further down the hallway. (For the rest of the story, read my first story on the board, "Welcome to Krynn, please check your luggage")
The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD
Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.
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