The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Barp.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a thread-bare book bound in cloth on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Barp' scribed in deep purple ink.

Author:    Barp           
Date:      Thu Oct 12 23:14:14 2006
Subject   Cow Trapping

Yawn.  Blink rapidly.  Rub eyes.  

"Barp tired.  "

Lying down amidst a pile of rags and straw in a Palanthas stable, Barp tries

to get some rest from the day's "mud" slinging.  After no more than a

moments notice, he is quickly asleep.  

Standing up, Barp finds himself in a strange place.  It appears to be some

sort of Colliseum.  A minotaur stands across from him, hate in his eyes and

a spell on his lips.  Strange words utter from the minotaur's mouth.  "Wha? 

Whasis?  Who you?  Ohhh.  You casting ma...  Mag..  Barp sleep.  "

Waking what seemed an eternity later..  "Who turned out lights?  Barp no

see.  Barp blind!  Barp blind!  Give me not blind back!  " He runs around

shrieking, bouncing off of walls and, strangely, the ground alike.  It isn't

long before he runs into the minotaur and grabs onto his leg.  The minotaur

desperately tries to shake him off, but to no avail.  Barp has dug in strong

and latched on with his teeth.  He's hitting him with the only object he

has, a grey backpack.  Furious, the minotaur wrenches the backpack from

Barp's grasp and slings it over his shoulder before proceeding KO him with

one punch.  

Barp wakes up tangled amidst rags and straw, desperately fighting to get rid

of the grasp of the minotaur he believes still holds him.  "Lemme go! 

Le'go!  Give Barp not blind back!  Barp see!  Wait..  Where cow?  "

Realizing it must have been a dream, Barp lies back down and falls asleep

peacefully...  Not noticing that his grey backpack is missing.  

Meanwhile, in another part of Krynn...  

A minotaur by the name of Aurius wakes up from his fitful nightmare of a

gully dwarf to find a grey backpack on his chest.  Curious that its closed,

he thinks not to check if its trapped.  As he unlatches it, a vial breaks

and two components mix.  Looking on with fearful eyes, it takes mere seconds

as the components mix and vaporize...  Causing a strange mist.  "Confounded

gull..  Gul..  Gu."  He quickly passed out, back onto his bunk.  Barp guess

it last at least 6 tics, maybe more.  

24 Hours to Aurius from Barp.  He is the first victim of surprise grey


Author:    Barp           
Date:      Thu Oct 12 23:29:23 2006
Subject   Cow Trapping

Yawn.  Blind slowly.  Rub eyes.  

"Barp tired.  "

Lying down amidst a pile of rags and straw in a Palanthas stable, Barp tries

to get some rest from the day's "mud" slinging.  After no more than a

moments notice, he is quickly asleep.  

Standing up, Barp finds himself in a strange place.  It appears to be some

sort of Colliseum.  A minotaur stands across from him, hate in his eyes and

a spell on his lips.  As strange words utter from the minotaur's mouth Barp

looks up curiously: "Wha?  Whasis?  Who you?  Ohhh.  You casting ma... 

Mag..  Barp sleep.  "

Waking what seemed an eternity later..  "Who turned out lights?  Barp no

see.  Barp blind!  Barp blind!  Give me not blind back!  " He runs around

shrieking, bouncing off of walls and, strangely, the ground alike.  It isn't

long before he runs into the minotaur and grabs onto his leg.  The minotaur

desperately tries to shake him off, but to no avail.  Barp has dug in strong

and latched on with his teeth.  He's hitting him with the only object he

has, a grey backpack.  Furious, the minotaur wrenches the backpack from

Barp's grasp and slings it over his shoulder before proceeding KO him with

one punch.  

Barp wakes up tangled amidst rags and straw, desperately fighting to get rid

of the grasp of the minotaur he believes still holds him.  "Lemme go! 

Le'go!  Give Barp not blind back!  Barp see!  Wait..  Where cow?  "

Realizing it must have been a dream, Barp lies back down and falls asleep

peacefully...  Not noticing that his grey backpack is missing.  

Meanwhile, in another part of Krynn...  

A minotaur by the name of Aurius wakes up from his fitful nightmare of a

gully dwarf to find a grey backpack on his chest.  Curious that its closed,

he thinks not to check if its trapped.  As he unlatches it, a vial breaks

and two components mix.  Looking on with fearful eyes, it takes mere seconds

as the components mix and vaporize...  Causing a strange mist.  "Confounded

gull..  Gul..  Gu.  " He quickly passed out, back onto his bunk.  Barp guess

it last at least 6 tics, maybe more.  

24 Hours to Aurius from Barp.  He is the first victim of surprise grey


The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 878 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'