The Great Library of Palanthas
An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.
Stories of Ansalon from the view of Vahan.
A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)
Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a leather bound tome on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Vahan' scribed in deep red ink.
Author: Vahan Date Wed Jun 28 18:43:15 2006 Subject The History of the Kar'Tess Family as noted by Vahan Kar'Tess, Part I The Kar'Tess family line is a strong one which has been absent for some time from the modern day Knighthood. While our blood ties to Solamnia run deep, it is just recently that I myself am finding out about my own family legacy. My name is Vahan Kar'Tess and I hail from Southern Ergoth. It is within this letter that I shall divulge the information I know and with it I shall include the appropriate documentation for such. Our blood runs back to the days of the early knighthood, era 1760 when one of my ancestors found himself fighting alongside a man known as Elias Solamnus, son to Vinas Solamnus. Seeing this man's noble cause, my ancestor took it up as his own and followed the Elias. Joining with the Knighthood, my ancestor realized this group had a divine purpose and dedicated himself and his family to the same. For years the Kar'Tess line served in the Knighthood until the fateful days following the cataclysm. In those dark times, when the Knights of Solamnia were being hunted down and slain along with their families, my forefathers felt it best to leave Solamnia and find safer haven elsewhere for my family's sake. It was during this time that my ancestors settled on the bluffs just north of what is now modern day Serval in Southern Ergoth. With the estate being just to the north and across the seas from Caergoth, it provided a strong means of business through the shipping industry. After several years, those living in the surrounding areas came to hear of the strong Kar'Tess estate and rumors spread of Solamnic heritage. A large group of people made their way to the gates of our family estate. My ancestor feared the worst, knowing he could not willingly kill these people. He went to the gates however and answered their call. Surprisingly, my ancestor was joyous to find out that these people did not want war, they wanted protection. These men and women were mostly farmers, poor from the dark famines wrought upon the land and being as such they cared little for placing blame upon any other man for the cataclsym. Seeing this and being a man of strong faith, my ancestor took these people in and the Kar'Tess estate grew into the workings of a small castle complex. Author: Vahan Date Wed Jun 28 18:46:11 2006 Subject The History of the Kar'Tess Family as noted by Vahan Kar'Tess, Part II (Continued...) The Emperor of Ergoth, though in control of little these days, grew rather curious and slightly jealous when he heard rumors of this Solamnic and his growing territory. Fearing this man slightly, he sent a contingent of his armies up to the northern tips of Southern Ergoth, where our family's castle stood. Knowing he could not defend his newly built castle against this army, my ancestor agreed to meet with the Emperor himself. After a journey to Daltigoth and a session of delegations, the Emperor was impressed with my ancestor and grew slightly envious. He wanted that man for his own and therefore promised my family that we may continue our ways upon his land if we would send our best young soldiers to serve the Empire. After many nights in prayer, though the gods no longer answered, my ancestor saw wisdom and strength in the future for our family by accepting this and did so. Since those times, my family has grown strong and still continues to house and protect the families of the men and women who beseiged my ancestor for his protection. Young men are still trained in the manners of the Knighthood and sent to serve the Empire of Ergoth's small remaining armies. I myself have just returned from such. I, Vahan Kar'Tess, son of Kalis Kar'Tess, was sent to the Academy of Military Sciences in Daltigoth at the age of 16. By 20, I had completed my studies and training and was sent to an outpost near the Valens on Ice Mountain Bay. Here I was given the rank of captain and command of a handful of troops along with a corsair. It was our duty to protect the outpost as well as certain merchant vessels who had an interest in a mineral found deep within the ice. After serving four years on land and sea fighting off pirates as well as raiding thanoi, I was replaced and released to return home. It was upon my return that I was told by my father of my past ancestry. Knowing such, I could not simply lay down my sword and take up the family business as many had done in the past. I felt it only right to make an attempt to restory my family's honor and it's name to the Knighthood. My father understood this, knowing he still had help from my younger brother Glenn to run the estate. With his blessing, I left aboard one of our merchant ships and made my way to Caergoth. It was here that I spent some time learning about the current Knighthood. I knew plenty from my studies growing up, however I realized that my military life was much different from the Knighthoods. I had to be strict with myself and force myself to adapt some new habits. Falling in with a small group stationed in Caergoth, I befriended several younger Knights of the Crown and came to approve of their purpose. Gaining the information I needed to enlist, I traveled from there to Palanthas where I now reside and complete this letter. It is with high hopes that I submit this to the Knights Council, seeking admission into such a highly devoted Knighthood. Signed, Vahan Kar'Tess
The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD
Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.
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